

Friday, December 30, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday: Stupid Stuff and some Cabin Fever

Remember the bow and arrows that the smiley child got for Christmas?  Well, hubby is officially obsessed.  Not only did he get a large book on archery from the library (which he read from cover to cover), he is now poking around at a wacky used stuff/consignment shop nearby to see if they have any cheap grown-up sized bows so that he and his daughters can share quality arrow shootin' time together without him feeling like Gulliver.  His mommy did send him some Christmas dinero, so who am I to deny him his newly discovered life-long dream?  I mean, you guys...they've started doing special back exercises.  TRUE STORY.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!

You know that thing where the words are somewhere else and you can't find them?  Maybe you don't even want to find them, ya know?  So I'm gonna slap up some pictures from Christmas (which was lovely and fun and exhausting) and we'll call it a day.  Maybe tomorrow I can come back and know..."interesting".  Maybe.  Or Friday.  Let's shoot for Friday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thank God Life isn't Fair

Sometimes I just have to take a moment to thank God that life is not fair.  In fact, I don't even like the word fair very much at all.  How can we judge what's fair to the world?  To history?  To the future?  Better than 'fair' is 'good'.  Is 'loving'.  Is 'the right thing for this person at this time regardless of what anyone else wants or expects'.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Inside the Borobia Studio

This right here is a modified version of the questions at the end of Inside the Actor's Studio, courtesy of Stasha and her fun and fabulous Monday Listicles.  Who doesn't like to pretend she's fancy and interviewable every now and then?  So let's get this show on the road!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Stream of Consciousness Sunday- vol. 1

Have you ever eaten breakfast while your husband (or wife.  It could work either way) was reading an article about poo-powered prisons in Rwanda?  I don't recommend it.  It was not pleasant.  It was heavy on photos, too.  Photos, my friends

Friday, December 16, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday: Inappropriate toddlers and my 2 seconds of fame

It's been an entire week since I last wrote.  Then I discovered that I was mentioned, for actually for real, by the lovely Jen Fulwiler on the real actual National Catholic Register, and I about peed my pants.  Fine, I actually did.  No, not really.  But almost!  And I feel, all, like, pressured and stuff to say some of those Holy Spirit inspired things.  And maybe not use the word "peed" in my very first paragraph.


Friday, December 09, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday: Expecting the Best, Preparing for the Worst

It finally snowed!  Okay, it had snowed already this season, then it warmed up and it rained, and all the snow melted and then it was just all brown and cold and dreary and not nearly as magical and Christmasy as it was the day we went to choose our tree.  But now it is a white winter-wonderland of post card magic again, and all is right with the world.  Hallelujah!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

New Header and the Christmas Tree

Check out my snazzy custom header by the lovely Angie of Tiny Owl Designs, founder of Catholic Mothers Online.  She even made me a matching button over on the side-bar.  Merry Christmas to me!

Speaking of Christmas, we got our tree on Saturday.  There's a sweet old German man with his own small tree farm a few streets down from us so we went back again this year and chose our tree from his adorable selection.  I love being able to walk with the kids through the snow and pick out a tree that wasn't cut down 3 weeks ago.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Sustainable Farming: apparently it's not just for wackos

When we decided to make the move to the boonies from suburban sprawl-land, we weren't all that granola.  Or crunchy.  Or whatever adjective means "likes natural stuff".  We wanted to give our kids a new perspective on how life could be lived, but I wasn't ready to spend extra money on organic apples.  Chickens?  You bet.  Actually trying to grow enough food to stock a root cellar?  Sistah, please.