

Sunday, October 16, 2011

NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program

You guys know that basically we're a bunch of nerds around here, so it should come as too much of a surprise that this wacky girl:

and this crazy gal:
...have just signed up to participate in National Novel Writing Month's Young Writers Program.

They got to set their own word-count goals and they are giddy (absolutely giddy, I tell you!) at the idea of receiving a real proof of their finished novel if they meet their goals.  And they're even going to get to put one of these snazzy badges on their blogs-

Fingers crossed that on day 3, they're still willing to bust out their word counts without any grumbling or tears.  Oh, and I hope they don't complain either!
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  1. That is so awesome that they are starting their writing this young! I did too and it's one of my favorite activities.

  2. That is seriously cool. What a great program, and good for them for participating! I bet they'll be famous before you know it. I mean, you know, more famous even than having a mom who's a blogger.

  3. Oh my gosh, did you read Katie's "My Family" page? She really, honestly thinks I'm famous and that is the cutest thing EVER!


  4. Hah! Well, more famous than my husband maybe ;)

  5. That is awesome!! I love you and your house of nerds ;)

  6. Such a wonderful initiative, and so glad your girls are participating AND enthusiastic!! They're following in their mom's footsteps!! Woohoo.

  7. Very very cool! Good luck to all of you! :o)

    For Love of Cupcakes

  8. That is so absolutely awesome :) She is going to remember this forever. Well done, Mama (and teacher!)
