

Monday, May 07, 2012

(Not So) Great Expectations

"I'm glad we're homeschooling so we don't have to worry about you wanting us to be know...serious about our school work."  -Lizzy, age 9

Witness evidence of lack of seriousness....

And don't forget to click here and read my ground-breaking tips for "exercising" when you're pregnant!  Trust me.

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  1. Replies
    1. As long as she knows what an adjective is, I don't care what the heck word she uses :)

  2. Yeah, my kids are so meeting my expectation of seriousness in my public school classroom.

  3. The adjectives are wonderful!!! Which kid wrote this? How old?

  4. We love mad libs around here, although butts and farts feature prominently.

  5. I love how this started out perfectly logically and then quickly took a turn for the nonsensical after the first sentence!

  6. Love this! IT reminds me of the time I had my daughter write a note to a Nursing Home for "handwriting" that day. It read, "Dear Sad and Lonely Folks, I hope you have a happy death! Love, CC" You kids sound super fun!

    1. Hahahahahaha!!!!! Oh that is terrible and so funny at the same time. Totally something my kids would do!

    2. HA HA HA that is the best thing I've read all day! I love kids.

  7. Hahahaha!! That's hilarious!

  8. OK... So, I just found your blog and realized I need to start at the beginning. Looks like I will be reading for a while. What a crazy, amazing adventure! Good for you!

  9. I really love "camel-infested," what a great imagination! I remember when my kids were crazy for Mad Libs, they would have done the same thing with an assignment. I was a terrible mother and taught my son the joys of using variations of "poop" ("poopy," "pooped," poop-colored") for all the words. It was worth it for how hard he laughed, and I guess he got it out of his system because he never tried it again.

    1. I remember doing mad libs as a kid and being absolutely breathless with laughter when one said "massaged his latrine". Clearly, however, I did not get it out of my system, considering how often I use the word "turd" in everyday conversation... ;)
