

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

7 Quick Takes Tuesday: Smorgasbord

Usually I save this kind of rambling for Fridays, but Friday is my dear boy's 5th birthday and I'm thinking about planning something silly and ridiculous, or at least more enjoyable for him than sitting quietly and staring at me while I troll the internet for funny things.  Enter: 7 Quick Takes Tuesday!
Woo hoo!
Banana jump! (that's a real thing, right?  Or what am I thinking of?)

Cucumbers from our garden, some of which are the size of small planets, being turned into scrumptious pickles.  I hope.  If not, I can just blame my husband since he did all the work.

Can we see the frog in the water right next to the cutie cheesing child?  His name is Paco, but you can call him Pocky.  He's a weather frog.

Julie Cragon, whose blog is here, sent me this lovely book: Jesus at my Side- 365 Reflections on His Word .

Because someone must have told her how horrible I am at daily formal prayer.  Fer serious.

And so that I am sure to actually READ the scripture verses every day, I'm going to share each selection on the blog fb page daily.  I'll be all, like, Goody Goodnessy, yo.  Maybe that'll help me get through the school year that hasn't even started but that's already exhausting me.  It's not the school year's fault, though.  It's totally mine.

Remember when the dog was barking in a snake's face and I wished the snake would leave and y'all were imagining some tiny garter snake and thinking I was the world's A-1 most whiniestest baby whoever whined? 

BRACE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah!  That's a men's size 12 work boot right there.

In addition to snake wranglin', the hubby grew hops this year.  They are gorgeous and smell delish.  And last night we read that eating them can cause drowsiness, so I'm planning on covering them in chocolate and giving them to Cecilia for dessert.

Not really.  

Okay, maybe really.

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 185)

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  1. Ken told me hops are related to pot, which may explain the drowsy effect? Tell me if it works on Cici, because I'll try the same thing on my boys. "Hey boys. Here's some nice chocolate-covered hops for you. Eat up!"

    1. It might also explain the frat house smell in the workshop...

  2. Just remember - snakes eat mice! I'm sure that one could eat plenty!

  3. Did I miss out on what happened to the snake? Is it dead?

    We happily decapitated a water moccasin living in our marsh the other day. Them things is good eatin.' (kidding...maybe?)

    1. As far as I know, it was taken down to the pond so it could live out its day in its natural habitat. Which means I'm never ever going back down to the pond ever.

  4. Let me know if the hops work. I might need to plant some next year.

    Just kidding! (Mostly.)

  5. Tell Tommy to stop hogging all the hops and send some our way! We've got a bad sleeper here, too.

    Also, we killed a snake that looked a lot like that one...WHILE IT WAS SWIMMING IN OUR LAKE.

    1. Water snake! Yes! Must have been the very same type.

  6. Is Tommy growing hops for his home brewing? If so, good idea! If not, what ARE you growing them for?

  7. Yes! His brewing and other people's brewing :)

  8. Oh, oh, oh! What is that snake??? How did I miss that story? That is HUGE!

    1. West Michigan water snake- non venomous but so, so, so, so grody!

  9. Eeeek, snake!!!!! *cue heebie jeebies*

  10. The comment about Cecilia and the hops had me laughing out loud! My former non-sleepers are now older and I have to blast some of them out of the bed. I know you can't see it yet, but it will happen....!! At a minimum, they learn how to get up quietly and not "disturb" Mommy until some pre-set agreed-upon time. Or else.

  11. 1) Dancing banana, maybe?
    Or maybe the "form, banana, form, form banana........GO BANANAS! GO GO BANANAS!" song? Definitely banana jumping involved.

    6) Those are hops, as in, "This beer is hoppy," right? I always wondered what the heck those things actually were. I was probably thinking more along the lines of a beer jump (...banana hop/jump....uh, yeah).

  12. I think a banana jump is when you jump up, arch your back and keep your legs and arms together in a banana's curve. I've put way too much thought into this!

    For the sleepless Ceci, we have this product called the Good Nite Lite and it is AWESOME! It works for all three of ours: Annie Bui Ginzel turned me onto it.

  13. Umm...if I'd seen that snake, I would've been running around, screaming, "Kill it! Kill it with fire!"

  14. That snake. That snake is NOT okay.

    Good idea about Cecilia and the hops. Who doesn't love chocolate covered hops. Yummy yummy!

    1. I could start a new 'thing'. Make a million dollars!

  15. That is one HUGE snake. Be careful. I love your blog BTW.

  16. OM GEEEEEEEEEE!!! That's a huge snake!! Reminds me of the time a big fat black snake slinked in my house after I STEPPED ON HIM and I had to chase him out of the house while my 14 month old and 2 black labs watched in amusement from behind the baby glad mine wasn't YOURS!!! EEEEKKKK!!!
