

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Predictable, Bad Hair, Still Happy (wiws)

Non-blurry pics and dog as Silly Police thanks to husband as photographer + faster shutter speed.


After last week's discussion about mama's system (fancy word for "predictability"), I thought I'd better link you back to previous posts featuring the same items mixed-n-matched.  Yes?  Yes.

-Floral blouse with ruffle front (Ann Taylor Loft) paired with blue drapey cardigan (nursing cover in disguise), almost identical to the ensemble seen here

-Altered Gap jeans via Goodwill paired with Anne Klein flats via Ebay, seen previously here

-Wide leather belt via Goodwill, worn previously here (and most other weeks)

-Chandelier earrings identical to every other pair of earrings I own making their WIWS debut! I won these in an auction for sweet Nico's adoption fund and of course I am in love.  And I heart winning

-Bad hair day, courtesy of cray-cray hair genetics.

Also, and completely unrelated, can I tell you how much I am adoring the second readings at Mass these days?  St. Paul is my people, y'all.  The Holy Spirit so kindly reveals something new to me every time I read or hear his letters.  This week I was struck by the fact that even if the parts of the body try to deny that they are part of the body, they are still part of the body.  Awesome, right?  It's like the time I realized that nothing I, or anyone, could do can make God stop loving us.  Humbling and inspiring and peace-giving in one fell swoop.  "I'm an EYE!  I don't need you, Brain or you, Ear or you, Small intestines! I am independent and do my OWN thing!" would be just silly, right?  Not at all frustrating or scary or maddening.  God's got this.  The Body needs us but we also need the Body. Awesome.

Okay.  Enough from me.  Go over to Fine Linen and Purple and gander at other snazzy ensembles.

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  1. I love that cardigan and the blouse! I didn't even recognize the cardigan from the other post. It amazes me how just changing something as simple as the shirt underneath makes it look like a completely different outfit. I might have to take you shopping with me soonish!

  2. I heard exactly 1 line from Mass yesterday (thanks, cranky toddler) and that was it! And it moved me too.

    I love sweater/sneaky nursing covers. They rock!

  3. I love how your clothes reflect your personality. So fun and cheerful! Also, it's funny you say "bad hair day" because my first thought when I saw the picture was how cute your hair looks!

    Your outfit is beautiful this week, as is your heart. You are such a treasure. :-)

  4. I also love the blouse and sweater. When I wear sweaters like that, I get Stevie Nicks comments. But there is nothing remotely Stevie Nicksy about yours.

  5. I'm so leery of those sweaters with the front tails but I think you MAY have convinced me otherwise ....... also: spit up cleaners?


    looking gorgeous ... like always. you and Cari are the queen bees knees

  6. Best combination of those pieces so far. Most likely because that shirt is SWEET! That super happy color combo makes me... Well... Happy! :)

  7. I love that colorful top. I need more of those. And navy looks great on you. and of course I'm a fan of the earrings. They look like they would go with a lot! very pretty.

  8. Oh my gosh, I was just wondering about those earrings, and here they are! LOL!! Love it. You're so cute!

  9. I second Grace - I'm usually hesitant about front tails on sweaters but you're rockin' it. And don't even get me started on that shade of blue - love, love, love!
    I need to invest in some pieces like that, esp. if they are nursing covers in disguise. As a new mama I'm learning the ways of dressing for nursing. Soaking up every tip I can get!

  10. You look great, and happy and that is whats important. And I have to agree with you about Paul's writing. I'm especially fond of Phillipians but Corinthians would have to my second runner up.

  11. 1. I adore that print. It is just fabulous.
    2. I seriously wish I could get my hair to part like that. I have weird "cow licks" with my bangs that leave me with two options: go with it or painfully spending 20 minutes combing and blow-drying it over so it looks like there is no part. Go with the hair, you are awesome!

  12. whatEVER, your hair looks so fab and I luuuuuv that blouse, a lot.
    lookin good!!

  13. That picture you took looking down... is that what it feels like to be tall? :-) I'm barely 5 feet tall, so if I took a picture like that all you would see is feet.... no legs... just feet!

  14. beautiful. love the sweater and that blouse is just wonderful. I am such a fan of graphic prints. As for the shoes...awesome! you look lovely as always.

  15. I had the SAME thought at the 2nd reading today. ALL part of the Body of Christ. Each and every one. Even the people I don't like so much.....! Good stuff.

  16. Love, love, love the shirt. Did I mention I LOVE IT? Plus you look fab in all the photos; no jazz hands required.

  17. Love the color! I have been desperately wearing colorful things this past week as the gloomy weather has continued! And I just have to say, your Aussie looks so much like mine!! They could be siblings.

  18. The first thing I noticed was your hair too - I think it looks awesome this week! As do the cardi and floral shirt. And those earrings are my fav :)

  19. I think I subconsciously stole your look this week. Hope you don't mind! You look superb as all get out!

  20. I knew I loved that shirt...anything from Loft. Anything.

    Also, I need to start paying more attention to Paul. It is usually at that point that Ellen is yelling about books or crayons or raisins or just general yelling. What a psycho.

  21. Your outfits are not predictable. Mine on the other hand are. You look amazing as always and I love how you linked back to how you have worn items before. If I did that every single post would be linked to eachother like one big happy family.

  22. I like your system.

    And your dog.
