

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ten on Twelve

Oh lawdy.  Last month on the 10th, I was all OVER taking a picture every hour for ten hours.  I was like...on a photography honeymoon or something.  Also, it wasn't February.

This month, the 10th fell on a Sunday.  No can do.  Then the 11th was definitely no can do.  Then today I was all "I shall do it!  A photo every hour here I come!"

Yeah.  Not so much.

Because you know what month it still is? Exactly.
But I tried a little, so let's see how the day went anyway.

8 o'clock hour- I should be feeding my chil'ins.  Instead I'm glaring at the swimsuit prices in the Land's End catalog wondering if anyone with more than two children has ever paid over $100 for a bathing suit and not regretted it.

Related: has anyone with more than two children ever paid under $100 for a bathing suit and not regretted it?

9 o'clock hour- Accident-prone child shows off her just-in-case safety helmet....just kidding.  Tuesday is horsey day.  The most. Wonderful. Day. Of. The.WEEK! 

10 o'clock hour- Did I tell you I had to stop using my precious homemade laundry soap?  Yeah, wittle Mare Bare is apparently allergic to washing soda and her ample buttocks were not pleased.  Pleased buttocks are VERY VERY VERY important.  True story.  So I've been using Tide Pods and is a little sad how much I love them.  How are they so great?  They really are.

11 o'clock hour- my male child has a hard (read: impossible) time discerning between still photography and video.  I pull out the camera and he says "Hey!  I wanna show you me doing this!" and then he hops up and down or does the lambada.  Who taught him how to do the lambada anyway?

Now here's where the timing gets all ruined and out of whack.  So how about six more pictures in chronological order but which do not represent a specific hour?  Sorry!  You have no say!  My blog!  Doing it anyway!

My sleepless wonder prepares me some tea.  She heard I've been watching Downton Abbey again (ehrmagherd, was this week's episode not the most awesome one evah?)

Then I burn some bacon for lunch.

All 5 children are pictured here in some form or fashion.  Christmas Photo: Done

Lizzy took this out of the window of the car on the way to the grocery store.  For her Flickr album, natch.

Then we found this while we were shopping.  Gimme my free stuff!

And then on the drive home, an even better one...

 Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, ya'll.  I'm totally scarecited about Lent this year.  (Word coinage-  I'm callin' it.)

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  1. how many pods do you use for a large load? front load washer?

    1. 1 pod. Front loader, heavy soil. I tried 2 once thinking surely I would need it and there was still soap in the machine even with an extra rinse!

  2. LOL on the Christmas photo. And I sure hope you get that free hat!

  3. scarecited, love it!! That last photo is beautiful! Also, how is it possible that the item of clothing that has the least amount of fabric can cost so much?

  4. If you have a Lands End outlet (Inlet, officially, but it makes me gag a little to use that term) nearby, you can find great deals on suits -- the one near us always seems to have separate tankini pieces so you can mix and match. Otherwise, wait for their clearance sales online . . . which doesn't help if you need a suit for THIS summer, I realize!

  5. You are doing a great job learning how to use that camera! Your daughter's eyes pop right out of that photo!

    As for the bacon...ever tried cooking it in the oven? I will never fry it again, and I'm a pig farmer. I know my pork.

    Lastly, is that van a rental? Why don't I see any crumbs, trash, toys, or anything to show that kids actually ride in it?

    1. Bonus of the big girl camera- everything magically looks cleaner! I swear to you, our van is a hovel.

  6. Scarecited! Awesome!

    Also, I am going to call you on the Chrismtas photo come December. Just watch me.

  7. nice, which grocery store or company is doing that fargo hat thing? I want to go to their facebook page.

  8. I'm scarecited too, and I love your Christmas pic. You're so on the ball :)

  9. The Lands End suit is totally worth it. I have a couple (bought on sale) and they are great...especially the ones that suck you in. If you have more than 2 kids you NEED this suit (at least I do)!! And they'll take them back if ANYTHING is wrong with them...ever.

  10. Um, that would be an AWESOME Christmas photo!

  11. Bathing suit prices are ree-diculous. I mean, seriously. For that little bit of material? And the fact that the stores ALREADY have them out. And it's only February. Down here in the ATL, Target had them out in January. Bleh.

  12. Do you have a Sears with a Lands End inside? I always get my girls Lands End swimsuits (they are modest and well made and CUTE), but I buy them in-store and always on sale. They are forever having great sales. Actually, I think a coupon lands in my email almost every week from Lands End, so even if you don't have an brick and mortar store, you can get some good deals if you sign up for them...

    Anyway, I always get them for 30-50% off and I never regret it. :) Last year I bought them each two!

    1. Shoot, Sarah beat me to it! Go to Sears and you can try them on. I got mine there a few years ago and loved it and I'm sure it was on sale. Last year a small part of the lycra on the top was getting worn and see throughish and I was able to exchange both top AND bottom for a brand new suit, no receipt, no questions asked. And their swim tanks are wonderful for nursing!

      Luke has the same reaction to the washing soda! I still use it on the normal clothes but with the dipes I had to switch to Purex. But his poor bum was not happy with the other weird how it can affect them so much!

  13. Wow. Your photog skills are really coming along! Loved all the shots especially the "horsey day" one. Those eyes are killer! I really admire people who decide they are going to learn about something and actually do. Not me. No. And no, not ever ever have I bought a swimsuit at any price and NOT regretted it. ICK!

    I am participating in a little Blogger Tag Game and thought you might wanna play along. It's fun to get to know more about the people we, I mean follow. ;)

  14. We had to stop using homemade detergent after a while too. I've been meaning to ask you, are you still preparing your dogs' food at home?

    1. Sigh. We had to stop doing that too! Our older dog is allergic to chicken, which is the cheapest meat. Moving on to beef or pork was just too expensive. If you can do cheap, whole chickens, it would be worth it, though.

    2. We are able to get ground turkey pretty cheap so that's what we are using. Our vet continues to rave about how healthy Crouton is. But, she is a tiny 10 pound dog. I don't know that I could do this for a bigger dog or multiple dogs.

    3. Crouton! So cute. It was definitely getting to be a lot with the big dogs. We had to go with more expensive food to keep them as healthy, but it was not as expensive as doing the fancier meats and rice, so I guess it works out in the end. I'd like to try again someday- maybe if we get some more farm animals of our own :)

  15. Tide pods are so tempting. When I first became a mom I was all, oh I'm going to make things and save money. Then I got all, oh this is way easier.

    And you can send that burned bacon to me. MmmmMmm. Love it crispy!

  16. Ah ha ha the Christmas card pic! :)

  17. Okay, I was so going to do this and missed it on the 10th but now I know that it's okay to be a rule breaker ;o) Btw, horsey day IS the best day of the week!!!
