

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Five Favorites

These tweezers are amazing.  I have a pair of those silver ones, you know, the ones your mom always had growing up?  They are terrible.  Horrible!  I have to hold them at juuuuuuuuust the right angle and then I have to squeeze them reeeeeeeeeeeally hard just to grab the hair and oh my gosh they are such a frustrating waste of time.  These Revlon tweezers are the bombdiggity.

Gosh, we do love this.  Even though it's fun for even the youngest littles, everyone in your family will enjoy the rhythm and sweet illustrations in this book.  On Easter Day in the Morning is a book you'll happily read all year long.

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back
If you shop online and you are not shopping through ebates today is the day you stop doing that and start saying yes to FREE MONEY.  Do you know how many actual dollars have been sent to me since I signed up with them?  FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT.  Yes.  $568.91 in the form of real checks, not gift cards or merchandise, sent right to my snazzy little mailbox.  Go to there.  Git ye some dinero.

 I know, I know.  If you've been reading this blog for more than five minutes, you know that I'm like an evangelist for this book.  I'm not being paid by them (why???  Why, ATK???  Give me some comission!).  I just want your life to be better.  Except for Mexican food (what can I husband is a purist), every single thing that we've made out of this book, and it is a HUGE book, has been mouth-wateringly delicious.


"All the way to heaven is heaven, because Jesus said, 'I am the way."
St. Catherine of Siena

(I've been thinking lately about how to live the way as much as the destination.)

Now hop over to Moxie Wife to check out everyone else's favorite stuff.

p.s. You didn't hear it from me, but it maaaaaaaaaaaaay be a certain Hallie Lord's birthday, so give her some love and some overdue baby prayers, will ya?

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  1. Maybe you already know about these too, but... there are ATK Baking, ATK "Quick," and apparently ATK Healthy cookbooks too. Amazon it. Can that be a verb? ;) Personally I can vouch for the baking one but I too am a devotee of the Family one and so I lust after the Quick book.

  2. I am always on the lookout for some good tweezers. I have the horrible pair from back in the day and I also have two other acceptable pairs. Very sad that I have THREE pairs of tweezers and the chin hairs are STILL winning! I am going to get a pair of these and see how they work. Thanks!

  3. I own those tweezers, too! I have the silver ones and make the children use those....! I have a cookbook that I LOVE and it's from ATK also - it's called The Best Recipe. And it's amazing. It also reads like a book (the parts where they talk about all the testing they did) for us foodies!

  4. Ha! We both posted the ATK cookbooks today! Great minds think alike :)

  5. If it tells you anything about my state right now I totally burst into ugly tears when I read your note at the end. Thank you, sweet friend! xoxox

  6. Hi, Dwija!!! I have the tweezers that look like scissors, lol!!! But I do!!

  7. I need those tweezers. Is there anything worse in the entire world than dull tweezers???? #firstworldproblems

  8. I'm loving the tweezers, the cookbook (I've never looked through one of those!) and the free cash for shopping. I'm so there! Thx for the tips!

    1. Wait, are you telling me you don't have that cookbook?! I will get it for you and your life will forever change. Every recipe is foolproof!

  9. Oh Dwija, I have been watching ATK (for the first time in my life) and am soooo hooked. In fact, I just made their morning glory muffins yesterday and they are simply perfection. Thanks so much for reminding me to GET THE COOKBOOK. least at the library anyway. Hope you are well sweet lady!

  10. Thanks for the heads up on Ebates. I don't shop online much, but if I do, I will use this!

  11. I've bumped into ebates a couple times online, but didn't know if it was legitimate. Will be signing up since I do the majority of my shopping online.

  12. I have none of these divine inventions. First on the To Buy: list...the tweezers. I have eleventybillion pair and none of them do the job. None, I said!

  13. That's our favorite cookbook too! Have you tried their french toast recipe? You'll never go back to plain old egg dipped bread. Their chicken pot pie recipe with the biscuit top is also to die for.

  14. Oooh, that recipe book is great!! I've borrowed it from the library before and would love to get it at some point...guess I'll have to hint a little to the hubby. :)
    Great quote! Haven't heard that one before.

  15. I need new tweezers! The timing of this post was very serendipitous! (I can't believe I spelled that word right the first time...

  16. Buying the cookbook today! I might also add to the list of fabulous uses for those tweezers that they are the master at plucking stickers out of little bare feet that run around the farm refusing to wear shoes.

  17. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those tweezers! I won't go into the OCD like tendencies I have towards plucking or the 2-3 pairs of tweezers I own that are strategically placed throughout my house and car....but I DO love them.

    This ATK book you speak of will promptly be ordered. Perhaps a few anecdotal accounts of how you are spreading the joy of this cookbook will make the publishers immediately consider sending you a commission check!

  18. MY FAVORITE COOKBOOK EVER!! We call it "the sacred red cookbook". I also have the blue one, the green one, and the yellow one. They are ALL awesome and they never fail me. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!

  19. Love a decent pair of tweezers! And must check out the cookbook and Easter book. But I have already ordered my books for the month. I have a habit.

    And #5...Yes! Making a mess of things lately, myself.

  20. I'm all ears for good cookbook recommendations!

    Wow, that is a great quote- I've never heard it before, and that is just something I needed to hear right now.

  21. Oh my. That quote is blowing my mind! Never heard that from St. Catherine before, but that's deep!

  22. Yes! We love Easter Day in the Morning, too. Though after we read it last year my daughter was certain that all soldiers are bad because the soldiers were the ones who led Christ away. Teaching moment!

  23. The ATK book is the best! The corn chowder in the there is my very favorite :)

  24. I love that cookbook!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter what you cook out of that book it will taste good.
