

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Laundry Room Tour

It's high time you lovely folk got a decent gander at the full glory of the laundry room, yes?  First, a super chic black and white shot to link up with Theme Thursday over at Cari's.  The theme is...wait for and white.  Sneaky?  Berry, berry schneaky.

Welcome!  Don't you just want to do all the chores in this room?

But you need more.  More, I tell you!  Let's start at the beginning:

At the end of our hallway, adjacent to the room of resting, you will find a door with an exterior lock on it, placed strategically at a height unreachable by children under the age of 8.  Because ELECTROCUTION AND DEATH, that's why.

But we'll open it together because I think you're all adults...

Voila!  The first look.
Now we enter and turn to the right:
And there's my precious.  See? The machine itself isn't that bad.  We won't need a new washer.  The drum does leak on the bottom at the moment, but I think that is an easy fix and definitely cheaper than a whole new machine.

Please note that the washing machine is located inside of a door-less closet because originally this room was a bedroom before the previous owners decided to turn it into a "laundry room."  I use that term loosely of course because the water valves a closet (why run pipes to a reasonable place when you can just add them onto the pipes that run to the bathtub on the other side of that wall?).  Oh, and do you know what closets do NOT have?

Electrical outlets!
So right there, underneath the not functioning at all hot water and the leaking cold water valves is a water bucket next to a mouse trap next to the machine's plug which is plugged into a surge protector which is plugged into an extension cord which runs across the room to this fine electrical outlet:

Safety last, that's what I always say.

Also, this:
Back behind that curved white pipe is light...light from the basement.  And if that bubble wrap wasn't shoved into the space around said curved piped, you would be privy to an additional view of our lower level.

Okay, shall we continue around the room?  Yes and yes.

Now, the windows HAVE been replaced since we moved in, so those are lovely and energy efficient and don't need to be shattered in a fit of rage.  This multi-surface wall situation, on the other hand...

Not so bueno.

And then over here, I think we have the hole that they used to use to vent a dryer.  But the hole does not lead to an external venting unit of any sort.  So, we just have a nice heat/cold/rodent letter-inner, depending on the season.  What's up with that, yo?


Also faaaaaaaaaaaabulous!

Okay, keep goin' around the room...

And back to the entry with a flourish!





Ah, just makes you wanna dive right into your domestic duties, doesn't it?

But seriously, to all of you who have been praying for us, contributing what you can to the unbelievable laundry-room drive over at Cari's place, and just in general making this world a better place, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  We are so humbled by the outpouring of generosity and kindness from our worldwide community.  It has been truly incredible to witness!

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  1. ERMAHGERD and I thought our leaky ceiling was an issue.

  2. Girl! I'm surprised your house isn't on fire from that room alone! I can't wait to see it completed and beautiful and FUNCTIONAL!

    Get a new machine, lady. Just do it. ;)

  3. Goodness Gracious Lady! Thank God someone thought to start the drive for your family. I'm throughly excited for you guys to get started and for us to see the results. Don't stress too hard. Many of us are keeping your lives in our prayers.

  4. Where's the dryer? I can't wait until you get the whole room madeover. Holy cow, I won't complain about going down three sets of stairs to get to my dungeon basement laundry room again.

  5. Any spiders? So happy for you and your family that this will get fixed...especially that outlet. berry berry dangerous.

  6. Just no. I'm sorry, sweetie. I love you but you CANNOT do laundry in that room anymore. Seriously! Oh, and that cute sign you wanted for the new room... I'd love to do that for you! Just send me some of those old floor boards when they get ripped up, OK? (Because they better get ripped up!)

  7. Wow. I will definitely quit all the bitching I do because my laundry room is in the basement.

  8. "Safety last" made me laugh out loud. I hope you know a good electrician up there!

  9. You deserve the best laundry room on the planet. The blogosphere shall make it so! Much love, Dweej! Now go lay down, for goodness sake.

  10. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. But that one strip of wallpaper really ties it all together!

  11. I mean this with love and affection...but DAMN that's the worst room I've ever seen!

  12. Holy cow, that is insane! I would be rebelling and refusing to do any laundry in that dungeon! You are a saint, seriously. So since it's a whole big room actually what are your plans for finishing it? Are you going to do a whole huge laundry room or make it a laundry room/workshop or something? I've seen some awfully nice laundry room/craft rooms too, with excellent storage and work surface. I hope you're spending lots of time on pinterest gathering ideas and inspiration :)

  13. Okay, my husband and I are having a disagreement on whether the stuff taped above the light fixture is a black trash bag or aluminum foil. Wanna clue us in?

    Also, I may have nearly died laughing at your "safety last" comment. Seriously.

  14. I'm just gonna close my eyes. Pretend I didn't see this. And hold out for the after photos.

  15. You know the Catholic Church is against torture, right? Because that room is baaaaad. And I grew up in a "fixer" house that had no roof and housed squirrels between the walls. If I think that room is bad, then you know it's bad! Cannot wait to see the new digs!! :)

  16. Well. At least you have windows?

    No. No, I don't think I can be optimistic about this one.

  17. Can't wait to see the finished room and nice and clean and sparkly and SAFE.

    And thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, a millions time, thank you for NOT showing us a mouse trap WITH a mouse in it (that would have sent me screaming, running from my computer screen).

  18. Okay, absolutely CANNOT wait to see this room after the Borobia-Beauty treatment touch. You guys are amazing with all you do, and it will be pure pleasure watching this place be transformed.

  19. Oy gevalt, woman. You are a trooper!

  20. Lina saw the pictures and said "wow, does somebody live there?!" I said yes and she replies..."it looks really old...or maybe they are just moving in and making the room?"

  21. Girl, I don't think $10k is going to be enough. WTH???!!!!1

  22. Fortunately, I can still type when my jaw is on the floor. No one, and I mean NO ONE needs a laundry room makeover more than you. I cannot wait to see what you do with the place!

  23. Safety last indeed!
    Rest up and start pinning what you would like in your new laundry room!

  24. Good God, woman! Wow! Yes, you definitely need a makeover!

    We have the same beauteous paneling in our laundry room. It is like walking into a dungeon with the dark paneling and the gray concrete floor. We do have windows, however!

    I am so looking forward to the remodel reveal!

    Now go lie down, right now!

  25. Going to go donate to the fund RIGHT NOW! That room is just wrong and bad and I will NEVER complain about mine again!

  26. We should do a linkup of our terrible laundry rooms. Mine would definitely rank, with the leaky washer and the dryer that doesn't close and no vent so the entire room is coated in lint ... but yours would still win.

    The summer that room was infested with fleas, though? Ours would have won. We had some fleas in the house, so I stripped all the beds, tore up the area rugs, and threw them all in the laundry room to wash. But I didn't know that heat and moisture cause flea eggs to hatch ... so the very first load I did, the room steamed up (see: no dryer vent) and the place was hopping with fleas. So then it was sprinkled all over with diatomaceous earth and had a bowl of water with a light over it (which is supposed to be a trap; it worked okay I guess) as well as the piles of blankets and the fleas, which by now had moved into the laundry room rug and behind the appliances. Every time I changed a load I had to suit up in white pants with white socks pulled over them, spend no more than a minute in there so the fleas didn't get past my knees. If I dropped a single sock of the clean laundry or set the basket down, I had to rewash everything because the fleas would jump on it. Then when I left, I had to strip down and fling the "flea socks" and pants back into the laundry room behind me! And that meant more laundry to do, I never could catch up on the backlog of blankets with such an ordeal every time I changed loads. And I had a two-year-old and a newborn, both of whom would sob when I disappeared into the contaminated room.

    In the end I caved and bought the toxic spray. The stuff is called Ultracide and it was like a nuclear bomb for the bugs. Thank goodness.

    That. Was the worst. Laundry room.

    But don't get me wrong, this one is bad too.

  27. Um, I am thinking you re going to need a tad bit more than $6000. YIKES!

  28. I just saw the new goal - wonderful. Let's hit $10,000! Oh wait...we want you to retain fluids, not lose them. ;-)

  29. You know what's great about the black and white photo of the laundry room? It makes it look like history, and pretty soon it will be!! Huzzah!

  30. I cannot wait to see the pictures after it's renovated! And I totally think you deserve a new, super heavy duty washing machine too even if that one is fixable!

    I thought my laundry room was bad too (let's just say doing laundry and having raw sewage back up around my feet has happened in the not so distant past) but this room, with all the electrical issues, definitely wins hands down!

    I am so glad you're getting a new room!!!

  31. Jeepers! It's got some character for sure! :o) I can't wait to see the after pictures! Do you have a Pinterest board going yet for inspiration?

  32. I think its better in black and white. Switch all the pictures! Then when the room is all pretty and done you can make an infomercial like. Where the bad is overacted and in black and white and the good is children skipping in color!

  33. Seriously, I know what it's like... our place was bad too. I am so excited for you!

  34. Very happy for you!!! So glad the internet can band together to help one mama!! Can't wait to see the new laundry room!

  35. Girl, you are the bestest! To have such a positive and joyous spirit... All the time... With this lurking in your house. Of course, material things don't bring us joy, but you know what I mean. The world needs more people like you, for sure. Generosity and the opportunity to spread a little of Christ's light and love have prevailed, as they always do! And you, my friend, are in for a treat. Keep. Us. Posted. But more importantly, rest and let us do this for you. Xoxo

  36. Sweet Nelly. I think I could handle the mice, but the thought of all the spiders that must be lurking in that hot'n'hazardous mess makes my little arachnophobic soul fall on its knees and pray to Mother Mary for your deliverance. Gah. And may I say, GAH?

  37. This is bad ... really bad ... but you know what's worse? The fact that you won't be in any condition to demo this room!!! I'm sure you'd be one of the happiest people on the earth ... if you could just swing that sludge hammer!

  38. Ba ha ha ha ha haaaa! Oh, honey. You deserve so much better than this!

  39. Dweej, honey, I am honored that I get to help you make that unspeakable pit of a place better. Because without that fundraiser, all I can do is pray, and, well, I like quantifiable things, too. But dear God! Please remember wonderful, determined Dwija and her wonderful, determined baby!

  40. Holy Cow, Dweej! The photos of your laundry room scared me! I am so thankful I was able to do something about it!!! Thank goodness for the fund raiser! I have never seen a more worthy cause...that is just a dangerous situation there! I can't wait to see the after photos. Take care of yourself and the precious little baby you are growing. xoxo, Diana

  41. Oy. I believe that is the only proper response. My excitement over being part of this fundraising effort has just increased by one billion percent!!! I knew it was bad but Dwija, you are a saint! Soooooo happy to be a part of this gift for you, because you have blessed me tremendously through your writing and your example. Thank you, thank you for letting us bless you in this way :)

  42. Dwija. Listen carefully here. Fix the old machine? Ok... then sell it on craigslist, add that money to the pot and get a new beauty that is super capacity and matches. Like this Now is not the time to save a leaky machine - now is the time to make the laundry room of your dreams. Make it Pinnable lady! You can go back to being totally responsible after your laundry room is awesome! (And maybe you can sneak in that bathroom too, now that the people have collected more than the hubs said you needed! fingers crossed for you that the total keeps rising and rising!)

  43. asdklafhueoanjlea. Words. I can't even. Just, wow. I've never really had a true laundry room (not growing up, not in my apartment, and not here in my house), but I think I would have tried to return the house if I walked in and saw the deathtrap room, much less deal with it for as long as you have, and much MUCH less deal with it for now two pregnancies.


  44. Oh honey. There just are no words...... And I agree - spring for a new washer and sell the old one. We've all chipped in - make it happen!

  45. No words... I've donated twice, and will again as necessary. GO GET A BRAND NEW EXTRA HEAVY DUTY WASHER AND DRYER!! New, safe, no issues. Really, go. Seriously, I will donate a third time to help if needed. Make it safe, so the little ones will be able to learn to help with the laundry! (Yep, fellow mom talking now...)

    Sitting here stunned, having seen what you are dealing with ..... don't skimp. You will be thrilled beyond words and never, ever regret the extra large washers. I adore my extra large front loader. 12 years later it works fine, and holds a huge load of laundry.

  46. I vote you sell the current machine and add the $$ to the kitty. You need some brand-spankin' new machines that are going to last at LEAST a few years without needing any major repairs.

    If that's what you deal with, I am agog that you still use cloth diapers.

  47. What a sight! Get a new washer! Like a bright red or blue one that matches with the dryer! I am SO happy that you'll be getting a new room, you deserve this! Can't wait to see the "after" shots :)

  48. So tickled to be able to help! If I had to live with that room, I might consider our clothes disposable rather than go in there! You are a way better woman than I!
    Rest up, dear one! Praying here

  49. I don't know what else to say, but...."wow!"!!!!!!!!!

  50. My dryer passed on a week before my due date with #7. Reviews of washers/dryers for large families kept mentioning Speed Queen. They make mainly laundromat washers, but they sell a couple if home versions. White. Steel housings. Basic knobs. I bought the dryer. And last week I bought the washer after my extra-large capacity front loading Bosch burned through its belt. The fire department made me promise I would. The lovely gentleman at our local hardware/appliance store so wanted to sell me the front-loading Electrolux with all the guarantees and the plastic door. But the basic white metal simplicity is SO worth it. Please, please, Dwija, get a new washer. And maybe consider going old-school laundromat style. The wash cycle is so much shorter :-)

  51. You know, while everyone is stating how terrible this laundry room is (and I 100% agree), I can't help but wonder just how selfish this all is. I mean...where are those poor rodents going to go once you re-do this room?!

    (And in case you didn't pick up on that, it was total offenses were meant!)

  52. Okay, there's a whole post up on about multi-purpose laundry rooms. You should check it out for some ideas:

  53. I so understand! Our first home was a 100 year old farmhouse that had periods of sitting empty for years. A total fixer-upper! Our laundry room was in a beat shed in the backyard. And mice, we had those, too!
    I am so happy that you are getting a totally new room! I am looking forward to seeing it finished and pretty and mice free!

  54. I would cry every time I had to do laundry ...

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