

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

13 Photos from 2013

So there's this girl hosting this photo link-up but she didn't even put any photos on her own post.  ZOMG!  Who does that?!?!?  Clearly not someone who's been blogging for more than five minutes.  Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.................................


Anyway, obvi I never got back around to adding my 13 photos from 2013 into the link-up post yesterday, so I'm going to post them now and then link up to my own link up.  Because this is my blog and I do what I want.

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 in 13 Photos: a link-up

Kelly and Cari have both separately reminded me that last year's 12 pictures from 2012 link-up was the bomb diggity.  "Host it again!" they said.  "We're lost without you!" they said.  Okay, I'm paraphrasing here, but I know that's what they meant.  And that's really what's important.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Where the heck did I go? With 16 week belly pic!

I should be sharing Christmas photos. Like, kids decorating cookies in matching pajamas and stuff like that. But guess what?  Ice storms are a fart face.

Our power went out at 6:20 a.m. on Sunday.  Do you KNOW when it was restored?  2:15 p.m. on THURSDAY.  The day after Christmas. 

Oh lawdy.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Well endowed snowmen, a winner, a party (7qt)

Since Cari is not only talented and funny but also organized and on top of things, she has already led with the biggest news of the day in this here hemisphere, so Imma have to save that for last.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Black-and-White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies recipe

At the bottom of yesterday's post, I put up a pic of the cookies we (Lizzy) made on Tuesday, and y'all were all like "blah, blah, blah...quit talking and give us the cookie recipe, devil woman!"

So here it is, in all its glory.  They are worth making even if you hate to bake.  Yes, that good. 

Black-and-White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
(makes approximately 40 cookies)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's not how you think it is

What if someone told you that yesterday afternoon they baked cookies and listened to Christmas carols while their children painted long swaths of brown packing paper, turning it into one-of-a-kind hand painted wrapping paper?  What would you imagine?  What are you picturing in your mind right now?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas pagaent. Elf Twitter Party. Cute pictures. The usual.

Oh my gosh, we needed a day like today.  I know lots of people thrive on doing stuff and going places every single day, but we are just not those people.  After going somewhere pretty much every single day for, like, 6 days in a row, including having to actually wake people up in the morning (so not good.  If they're not waking up on their own, they're not sleeping enough, ya know?) to get to wherever on time, we are finally just staying at home today, entertaining ourselves with whatever, eating snacks, and possibly, eventually, doing a bit of school work.  Maybe.  Don't count on it.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Faux crunchiness, not-faux other things, and Mama Mary (7 qt)

(1)As I'm writing this, Cecilia is hollering "Paul!  Make me into a sandwich!"  Your guess is as good as mine.

The other day we got a decent snowfall during the night and the sun was shining during the day.  What kid could resist?  Well, "any kid who can read a thermometer" would be my guess because it was 7 degrees out.  Well, at first it was 7 degrees.  Then Paul begged enough that I agreed he could go out once it got over 10.  Degrees.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Favorite Family Gifts

Before I start: thank you for all your amazing prayers starting Saturday evening and going through Monday.  We heard a beautiful 146 bpm heartbeat yesterday afternoon and there have been no further frightening events.  Whew.  Y'all are good.  So good!

Alright, on to the favoriting of the things.  This week we're doing a gift guide so I can double link up with Hallie , for five faves, and with Mary Kate, who is hosting a gift link-up (and it is so handy.  Really, I was stumped on a couple of kids and now I am READY.  So get thee some ideas, fo sho.)

I'm not smart enough to divide my list by age group like Mary Kate did, so I'm going to list 5 gifts that have been favorites of my kids' over the years and let you decide who would love these things.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Mommy blog it up, y'all

I go back and forth between wanting to just completely embrace my mommy-blogger identity and post nothing but photos and updates on the kids and shunning the very notion of being a mommy-blogger at all.  Because I am a woman of extremes!  Can't just be a little of whatever, oh no sir.  Gotta be all adamant and over the top.  Tired of the clutter in my house?  Sell it and buy a new one!  Get frustrated with a zipper?  Never purchase another article of clothing that features a zipper ever! 

You get the picture.

Friday, December 06, 2013

dolls,books,yummies and a belly shot (7qt)

I know today is St. Nicholas day, but I'm sure err'body's gonna lead with that , so I'm gonna throw y'all for a loop and come out of the gate (how many idioms or metaphors or whatever they ares can I use in one sentence?) with this high quality ipod photo of....

Thursday, December 05, 2013


Wow. Taking pictures of lights is REALLY hard.

I'd like to pretend that my results can be blamed on minimal research beforehand and the stubborn refusal to get out the tripod, but mostly I think the problem is lack of artistic vision.

Dude.  If I can't line the cute little bar up in the middle of my viewfinder, I pretty much fail at photography.  Don't get me wrong.  I still enjoy myself.  But the results?  Meh.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Pregnancy after Loss- my discernment

As promised last week, I'm going to share with you guys a a little bit about getting to a place of peace and acceptance with this new pregnancy.  Or getting there BEFORE this new pregnancy, which I managed to allow God to help me do.  Because I have received so many wonderful private messages and emails and I realize that so many of you have the same concerns and care for our family in such a deep way (for which I am forever amazed and grateful).

What I'll do, I think, is to copy and paste an actual email response I sent to a friend, at her suggestion.  I'm touched that my words were not only able to help her but that she feels they might help someone else as well.  So keep in mind that the following text is unedited, off the top of my brain, messy, and maybe hard to follow at some places.  But sometimes it's better that way.  Sometimes I just need to let go and let God, know what I'm sayin'?

On deciding it was the right time to accept a pregnancy after loss.  An exact email transcript...

Monday, December 02, 2013

Git in Mah Belleh! And other things you'll say when you read this book

Last night before dinner I had FOUR scrambled eggs with salsa as a snack.

Then I ATE dinner.

Then I had second dinner of a turkey taco (yes that is too a real thing.  you would drool if you could smell it).

Then I had a THIIIIIIRD dinner of leftover fried rice augmented with delicious, delicious Sriracha.