

Monday, December 02, 2013

Git in Mah Belleh! And other things you'll say when you read this book

Last night before dinner I had FOUR scrambled eggs with salsa as a snack.

Then I ATE dinner.

Then I had second dinner of a turkey taco (yes that is too a real thing.  you would drool if you could smell it).

Then I had a THIIIIIIRD dinner of leftover fried rice augmented with delicious, delicious Sriracha.

Honey, I love food.  I love eating.  I eat a LOT.  Is it a Polish thing?  I think it might be.  Back when I was gainfully employed, the quantity I could eat actually became a joke at ye olde jobbe.  See, they used to host these barbecues for special events or when we had to stay late or whatever.  The owner would grill burgers and we'd top 'em with our fixings of choice.  So one time I ate a cheeseburger.  And then I went back for a second one.  And he looked at me with these big eyes and I was all "What?"  Two cheeseburgers is not that much food, people!  It just isn't.  But err'body was laughing and was all like "that must be why you run around here like a chicken with your head cut off!" and I'm all like "No, that's HOW I'M ABLE to run around like a chicken with my head cut off.  You do NOT want to have an altercation with hungry dweej.  Not ever in your life do you want that."

I am also married to a dude who is an absolute wizard in the kitchen.  He cooked for his entire family when he was, like, 13 years old.  Real food on the stove with ingredients and flambe-ing of desserts and stuff.  The man is a marvel.

Anyway, I'm telling all of this so that you'll know that when it comes to eating, I do not mess around.

So the other day Haley of Carrots for Michaelmas (if you don't read her blog, best to start.  I heart heart, big puffy heart love conversion stories and you can add a HUGE HELPING OF GLITTER to that puffy heart when husband and wife convert together.  I  What an amazing gift and bond and mystical story of wonderment.  Yes, I really talk like that.) started talking about this cookbook that she and her husband were putting together and I was excited.  But also nervous.  Because you always want to like what your friends do, but I'm....a little bit of a jerk when it comes to food.  Like if I find a "three ingredient cake" and one of the ingredients is "box of cake mix", I want to ram my head into the computer screen, snorting like an angry billy goat.

What if she sent me the book and it was all, like, lame?  WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO????

Well fear not, friends.  She did send me the book and it is NOT at all lame (see p. 33 with FIVE garlic cloves in the beans.  Das what I'm talkin' 'bout).

The book is called Feast: Real Food, Reflections, and Simple Living for the Christian Year

They created all the recipes, wrote all the words, and took all the photos.  Most of the recipes are not only whole food but gluten free as well , so if you struggle with finding good recipes that correspond to feast days that also fit with your family's dietary needs: surprise!  Congratulations!  Happy advent!  Get this book!

I hesitate to call this a "cookbook" because even though it is filled with delish recipes, it is so much more.  You'll find anecdotes and bits of history and all the things that make a book worth reading.  It's filled with stories of saints, ways to get kids involved, and the perspectives of former Protestants diving in the sea of beautiful Catholic celebrations and loving every minute. 

Because y'all know they ain't no party like a Catholic party, because a Catholic party don't stop!

The book is divided into feast days and liturgical seasons with reflections and ideas for celebrating and recipes for each one.  If you're not super into one aspect but are all over the other aspect, buenisimo!  Just skip to the sections that interest you most.

btw, St. Nicholas feast day is coming up on the 6th.  I love that they included a section on him, for obvious reasons.  Also, there's this, which isn't in their book but maybe should be in their next one...

Anyway, back on topic.  You can read more about the recipes and details here, where you can also order the pdf for just $7.99 or a real actual hard copy book for $21.99 (Feliz Navidad, ladies!).

But ONE of you lucky readers is going to win your very own e-copy just because you came here and endured my ramblings.  Enter using the entry form below and note that the blog comment has instructions!  Good luck and enjoy.
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  1. Cocktail recipes that are "Catholic" and "liturgical year related?" That's my kind of cookbook!!

  2. Is it bad that I'm most intrigued by the Three King's Cocktail? Get's me excited for Epiphany!

  3. I'm interested in GF St. Nick recipes for my hubs. I am very intrigued.

  4. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who can put some serious food away...I always feel self-conscious eating with other people because I am still hungry after my first plate.

    That cookbook looks awesome! My family is GF and it's nice to see a Catholic cookbook that is!

  5. All of the recipes sound delicious and new to me, but one that caught my eye was the Christmas Stuffed Apples!

  6. I'm interested in the baked tilapia with spicy cilantro cream sauce! Sounds yummy!

  7. Anything that involves the word "cocktail," I'm there. (and I suppose some beans and rice to go with it ;-)

  8. Christmas Stuffed Apples sounds right up my alley!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm most interested in the simple black beans and rice because I always think we should eat more beans, but I have never found a good recipe that we all enjoy.

  11. Would love this, especially for some St. Nicholas feast day recipes.

  12. All of the recipes sound great, especially with a teen who has a gluten allergy in the house! The one that is intriguing is Christmas Stuffed Apples.

  13. My husband and I are starting to incorporate more of the liturgical year in our devotions. I'd love it to guide my meal planning as well! The black beans and rice sound and look absolutely delish to this California transplant in the cold Northeast!

  14. The stuffed butternut squash recipe really looks good! Thanks for hosting! :-)

  15. I'm having a hard time at the moment letting go of fall so Stuffed Butternut Squash caught my eye.

  16. I'm liking that Vietnamese Peanut Sauce....

  17. First off, congrats on the bambino...obviously growing well :) I'd like the grilled pork chops recipe since I've never figured out how to do those well. Thanks!

  18. I would make the African chicken stew first because we are trying food from different parts of the world right now. Then I would move on to the Tilapia, it's the only fish that we all like.

  19. African chicken stew!

    Congratulations on baby! I'm almost 11 weeks along and wish I was at the "golden" second trimester when eating is enjoyable. Almost there!

  20. The Tahini Tilapia or Vietnamese Peanut Sauce sound awesome!

  21. Wow, what great pictures! I'm very intrigued to know if the picture with the pomegranate seeds is the Three Kings Cocktail. That recipe, as well as the stuffed Christmas apples and the tahini tilapia sound fun.

  22. Wow! I am impressed by the variety of the dishes. The Baked Tilapia with Spicy Cilantro Cream Sauce sounds yummy. It had me at "cream sauce."

  23. I'd like to try the tilapia with spicy cilantro cream sauce.

  24. Three Kings Cocktail sounds intriguing and yummy!

  25. We've been all about the butternut squash lately, so I'm gonna have to go with the Stuffed Butternut Squash recipe!

  26. Everyone has been raving about this book and I might just have to get it. Also, if you like turkey tacos, you have to try turkey enchiladas! I always liked the day after Thanksgiving when my mom made them.

  27. This book sounds awesome. And you are Polish?!? I am 100% Polish, are you?

    1. Baked Tilapia with Spicy Cilantro Cream Sauce sounds yummy along with the garden fresh curry,

  28. I think the Ugandan chicken stew has me most intrigued as I had a friend from there way back in college.

  29. I'm intrigued by the Simple Spanish Tapas. (I always thought "tapas" was code for "complicated"! I get intimidated just by the menus at tapas restaurants!)

  30. Ooohhhh…the stuffed butternut squash sounds perfect for the season.

  31. Okay, I've been meaning to comment ohhh..say 3 or 4 posts ago to say CONGRATS! So excited for you and your family and will be praying for you! Also, I am with you on the food. I am the same way. I eat more than my share and food makes me happy. My husband says the way to my heart is through my belly and I'd have to agree.

  32. Hummus! I just can't get it right and would LOVE to get it right!

  33. I'm not a great cook, or a decent cook, or someone who doesn't occasionally light things on fire, but I'd still like to take a crack at some new recipes. Also, that meme is flippin hilarious.

  34. Christmas dessert, Christmas dessert, Christmas dessert!!!

  35. The King's Cocktail - oh alcohol, I miss thee!

  36. Ooh, stuffed butternut squash. They all sound delicious, though!

  37. Oh man! I would pay big money for a *good* catholic cook book... but freee is better!

  38. you had me at gluten free - my sweet Bill has had to go gluten free so we all have gone GF - would love to try this book - so many GF books are so difficult and I am so not a difficult recipe follower - thank you for sharing this! - jen

  39. Ugandan Chicken Stew sounds like it would be delicious!

  40. Mmmm. Michaelmas roast chicken? Sounds intriguing.

  41. I am now officially starving. Can I just pick all of them? Too hungry to decide on a favorite!!

  42. Ugandan Chicken Stew and Ugali for St. Charles Lwanga, for our son's patron saint.

  43. Baked Tilapia with Spicy Cilantro Cream Sauce. Say no more, I'm sold. If I don't win it I think I'll just go on and buy it. Yuum.

  44. Tilapia had me had cream sauce, but to be honest the husband would probably love me to learn some good skills cookin a pork chop!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. First time poster here ,,,,,
      I'm somewhere in the middle of 2011 in reading your blog, trying to catch up, and read current posts as well but this is the first time I see you mentioned being Polish. Are you Polish??
      Btw, I got "Pope Awesome ..." thanks to you, and read it in 2 evenings. I like it, I like it a lot! And now this one - looks like a good and yummy read, too!

    2. I am basically half Polish and half Native American...which is weird! I know!

    3. Wow, that's interesting! If you like potatoes and beer (and I know you like the latter for sure:), than you're more than half Polish :)

  46. Ugandan Chicken Stew! Somehow I have it in my mind that chicken stews from Africa always have peanut in them, which sounds marvellously delicious. I have no idea if this recipe does or not, but I would eat it just the same!

  47. Catholic and gluten free! Sounds like a wonderful read! Thank you for the recommendation!

  48. Lomo saltado sounds good! I haven't had that in a while.

  49. That Baked Tilapia with Spicy Cilantro Cream Sauce just sounds dreeeeamy!

  50. The recipe I can't wait to try is the Christmas Stuffed Apples...and I see I'm not alone! They sound yummy!

  51. So excited to see this! Thanks for posting it.

  52. I I would like to try the 3 Kings Cocktail, if that's the one pictured with the pomegranate!

  53. My new years resolution is going to be celebrating more feast days with the fam, so this would be perfect!

    1. Oh, and she had me at cilantro cream sauce. Yum!

  54. I would love to try the Christmas stuffed apples, or the stew? Lots of possibilities.

  55. The African Chicken stew sounds good!

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