

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Don't pray for me

Yesterday I freaked out a little lot over on the blog's fb page because my midwife came and recommended, based on something she felt which has yet to be identified, that I go in for that second ultrasound after all.

I got all selfishy and demanded that people pray for a the scheduling office to call rightthisverysecond and guess what?  It worked.  They DID call rightthatverysecond, which has never happened in the past.  I was so grateful.  So, so grateful.  And then I got to thinking about all the struggles that people have endured this Lent.  All the real, awful, heartbreaking struggles that make your heart race just to think about, and I felt really very petty.

As things stand right now, I am carrying, quite successfully, at least one very healthy, active baby boy.  If that's not something to be joyful about in the midst of all this suffering, I don't know what is.

(I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow, but let's not split hairs)
So instead of praying for me and my foolishness, let's pray together for these families:

-For the family of Cecilia Harrison who laid their precious little girl to rest on April 11th after her passing from cancer on the 9th.

-For the Lovett family who are grappling with Lizz's recent cancer diagnosis.  There's a novena starting on Good Friday for her intention which you can read about at the link back there and here is a sweet slideshow for you to enjoy as well.

-For Jennifer Trapuzzano and her unborn daughter Cecilia as they mourn the tragic death of husband and father Nathan Trapuzzano.

-For the Lewis family as they continue to mourn the loss of their two daughters Emma and Olivia.

-And finally for Beth and Dan, and their children Peter and Sarah, who said goodbye last to their youngest child Rebecca after her too-short time here on Earth.  For their peace, comfort, and healing as they face the difficult road ahead.

Is there a better time than Holy Week to suffer with one another and in so doing unite ourselves with Christ's suffering on the Cross?

Thank you friends.  Know that I keep you all in my prayers as well.
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  1. Oh, no, no, no. It's not petty at all. As someone who's having a rough (albeit non-life-threatening) Lent, I want to hear all the exciting details and pray for you. What a joy it is to watch this adventure unfold with you.

    1. What a wonderful perspective. I'm so grateful to have such kind readers!

  2. Thank you for the reminder that there are so many prayers needed! Sending them up now. But I'm keeping you and your needs also in my prayers. :)

  3. I'll certainly pray for all those you mentioned, but it's not selfish to ask for prayers for yourself either. You were couching your concerns in humor, which is not the same thing as asking for frivolous things. It's not like you were asking us to pray for your hair or a cracked nail. Besides, if no one ever asked for prayers, no one would get prayed for. And then where would we be?!

  4. I'll be praying for all those you named (have already been praying for several of them) AND you. There are enough prayers to go around, my friend. PLENTY enough. I love your hair, by the by.

  5. Did you happen to see this post floating around social media today by chance? It touched me, at least. So I'm still praying for you. And your haircut really, really rocks that third trimester body! :)

    1. Fantastic article. Thank you so much for sharing it!

    2. Yes, thank you. Much food for thought. Loved it!

  6. Oh don't feel petty, your concerns are real even if they're not life-threatening. I think God loves to hear our prayers both big and small. How about I pray for you and every other one of the prayer requests you listed? :) And I agree with Lisa, your haircut totally works with the preggo belly! I can't wait for Good Friday...and it might have a lot to do with the suspense of finding out if you have an extra baby in there!

  7. 1. Your hair looks fab. 2. I AM going to pray that you aren't having triplets because DANG GIRL yo belly is HUGE....and you look great but wowsers. And if there is just one baby in there I'll pray that you can successful birth a toddler size infant. haha. love you!

  8. Well, like everything in our Faith, it's not either/or but both/and. How bout if I pray for those great intentions and you & the little fella inside you :-)

  9. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. When one of your own children is upset about something that - in your wisdom and experience is not a big deal, doesn't your heart still soften toward them? I mean, yes, we want to give them perspective but we love them and guide them right where they are in life. I think our Heavenly Father looks at us with the same gentle spirit, caring very much for whatever it is that troubles us, regardless of how it compares to someone else's troubles. Our "worst thing" may not be much in the scheme of thing but it's still our worst. *hugs* And there are two babies in there. I'm jus' sayin'.

  10. I have twins and I saw your cute belly and the first thing I thought is, "Twins." I'll be praying for you. It's not selfish to ask for prayers! Thank you for letting us know about the other families that need prayers too. Some heart breaking stories.

  11. I'm happy to pray for all of those intentions. And I will keep praying for you, too! They don't get "used up" after all. It's good to remember others and their suffering, but even if ours seem like little things in comparison, it doesn't mean they aren't there. I am constantly trying to find the balance between keeping perspective and allowing myself to admit that yes, this is hard. Hugs for you, looking forward to hearing if you have a bonus baby!

  12. I'm going to pray for all of those families, of course, BUT...

    Don't you think it makes God wildly happy that you run to Him for comfort even in the most (in your mind) trivial matters? You think of Him first. You want His comfort even in the smallest matters. That makes Him so happy.

    1. Amen! Gods love is bigger than all of this, there's room for ALL of you in our prayers :-)

  13. Can we add the Martin family to your prayers too please?

  14. A Carmelite nun once told me that "Every request for prayers is itself an act of Faith." What else can we do while carrying a baby so soon after the loss of another but make many, many acts of Faith each day? You keep asking for all the prayers you need.

  15. Dwija - thank you for sharing my link. I have prayed for you and your little one since you posted your pregnancy. My sufferings and worries don't make your sufferings and worries any less! So please keep asking for those prayers bc they work. I will continue to pray for you, your wee one, and all of your family members - please pray for mine!

  16. I had 2 over 10 lbs babies and I was hovering around 200lbs with both and your baby belly is bigger. I was much more large all over/wider. If that's just one he's in some type of different position than I've seen before. Oh by the way I didn't have much trouble birthing those babies. The 2nd was a home birth even and we did fine with the size.

  17. Good golly, we should pray for ALL things!

    I didn't pray for your ultrasound though. I just got excited. Is that bad? So many things we pray for will be a tragedy if they aren't answered ..... but here, there are two likely outcomes, both good: 1. TWO adorable babies to love! or 2. Oh phew only one baby means less work.

    Either way it's good. But I totally get being excited/scared/on ice over it .... because I am and it's not even my belly!
