

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wherein you discover how truly crazy I am

What I'm supposed to be writing about is this sweet little book by Kendra and then posting a giveaway so one of you lucky people can get your hot little manos on it for free ninety-free.  And I will, eventually.  Hopefully tomorrow.  But I just can't right now because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

When I tell you what I'm about to tell you, you will know the depths of my lunacy.  I will stop being "charmingly quirky" (I like to pretend that's how you all think of me) and start immediately being "just a leeeetle too off her rocker."  For weeks I've been not telling you all of this, in fact, because INSANE.

But guess what?  Insane people do stupid things!  Like admit their cray cray all over the interwebz!

Until about a week or two ago, I was feeling fantastic.  Besides the actual having of the belly, there really wasn't much to complain about.  Then all of a sudden, it was like I was full term: Measuring full term.  Can't roll over in bed.  Can't sleep.  Can barely walk.  Irritable uterus.

NB: irritable uterus for me apparently means that every. single. thing. I do causes contractions.  That means no exercise.  Even walking or standing for too long causes them.  And if I ignore them and try to "walk through" them, they get stronger and that is scary.  So I drink a lot of water and go to the bathroom once a dang hour, every hour, and lie on my left side way more than a healthy woman of almost 34 years should.

And for the very first time in any pregnancy, I have felt the horribleness that is referred to as "round ligament pain", which as far as I can tell means "it feels like someone is tearing the skin on the underside of your belly into pieces."  Hello painful shuffle to the fridge for more snacks.

And can we just talk about the level of movement that is going on in there?  It is ridic.  If there's not a contraction happening, there is enough Tango de la Muerte that commences to start one pretty soon after.  Oh yes, the baby makes contractions too.  Happy dayz.

Last night I had something pushing on a bottom rib, something pushing against my hip bone, and hiccups going on....way down there. Tres comfort.

When I sit down, I have to sit up fully straight.  There is no room for slouching.

It feels like baby is going to fall out any second.

And tomorrow, tomorrow, I will barely be 30 weeks.

How about a photo a day early since I'm having a spaz attack all over your eyeballs?

don't I do such a good job of pretending to look like a reasonable person?
Someone should really clean that mirror.

So here is the part where you find out how ridiculous this pregnancy is making me.  What if, despite the fact that I have received an actual ultrasound at 20 weeks which claimed that there was just one baby, there are really two in there after all?

I know!  Lunacy.  But of course I asked all knowing google the other night in a fit of sleeplessness and was informed that there is a 1% rate of missing a twin when the one and only ultrasound is performed after 18 weeks.  And look at how huge I am.  I'm 5'6" tall, bee tee dub.  And my fundal height measurement is anywhere between 9 and 11 weeks ahead right now, when in the beginning, ever since my first appointment, it was measuring about 2 weeks ahead.

Because of the crazy weather this winter and my general good health, I have only had 3 appointments with my midwife so far this whole pregnancy.  My 4th was supposed to be yesterday and I was going to sob my insane woman ramblings all over her, but then another patient went into labor immediately prior (babies!  So inconsiderate of my schedule!) and so we've had to move the appointment to NEXT TUESDAY, which might as well be in a year because I am off my rocker.

Oh!  The ultrasound pics!  You better believe I started staring at those like the freak that I am the other day and all of a sudden I was like "and what is THAT back there in the shadows???"

And of course you can't see it in this picture of a picture, but it is more obvious in "real life" and yes, you know I've convinced myself that that could, maybe, potentially, if you squint your eyes really hard, be another person.

Y'all I just want to know for sure.  If I wasn't having so many of the signs, especially after never measuring large with any of my babies in the past, I would not even be going down this path.  But probably I'm suffering from pregnancy induced insanity and a little bit of worry about going into a homebirth without knowing all the facts.  If there are not two babies in there, why am I measuring so large?  Is there any reason for concern?  Do I really have the green light for a safe delivery at home for baby?  Inquiring minds need to know these things, people.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it is.  Feel free to make me a shirt with a scarlet letter "L" on it for "looney" and never speak to me again.  Oy.  I've reached a new level of psychosis.

(if you wanna see the whole belly progression, here is 12 weeks, 14 weeks, 16 weeks, 18 weeks, 20 weeks, 22 weeks, 24 weeks, 26 weeks, 28 weeks)

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  1. I'd want another ultrasound to have a REALLY good look see, and rule out polyhydramnios. I don't think you're crazy. I'd insist on it. Especially with a home birth... You want to make sure there aren't twins, and if there is any reason for the very super hugeness.

    1. Thanks, Christine. The docs office that did the ultrasound insists that fluid levels are normal, but it was only a level 1, ya know? If they are high, is there a problem with his kidneys or something? Gah! I guess a lot of this is coming from wanting things to be safe for baby and being nervous because of everything that's happened over the last year.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm with Christine! I'm really surprised that you haven't had another ultrasound, that's what we learn to typically do as doctors with a measurement that is substantially far behind or ahead...probably esp. important since you're hoping for a home birth and there are a few different complications that can cause women to measure that far ahead (or it could just be twins, wrong dates, or a big baby haha, but all of these would still be important to know with wanting a home birth).

      I'm 34 weeks with baby #1 and just started having contractions (or at least cramping...) and had to decrease my activity which has led to a big increase in hip/leg pain sigh. And that round ligament pain is awful! But feeling him move around so much and his little body/limbs makes everything worth it (it's all still so crazy to me as a first-timer!) Hope you feel better and I'll send some prayers your way :)

    4. If you had your ultrasound 10 weeks ago, it seems really strange to me that they're resisting doing another based on your fluid levels being fine all the way back THEN. That was 10 weeks ago -- it's your fluid levels NOW (or baby's size NOW) that you're wanting to know about. I'd press for another ultrasound too. I hope you get it all figured out!

    5. As an ultrasound tech, I second this. If it will help you rest easy, an ultrasound is a nice safe test to do - especially with your signs and symptoms. Prayers for more peaceful days!

  2. You are SO not insane! I'd wonder a little if you weren't asking these questions. Of course, I have a PhD in Uber Obsessing Over All The Things, so maybe my perspective is skewed. I have no idea how likely it is you'd be having twins and not know at this stage. But I would absolutely share your concerns. I hope your midwife is able to put your mind at ease, so you know what you're getting into!

    1. Thank you, Claire! We should start a UOOATT support group...

  3. Ok. Yeah. Nother ultrasound, I think. It'd be good to know!

  4. I don't think that makes you crazy! I'd be thinking the same things in your position. There's nothing weird about wanting to make sure all your info is accurate, and there's definitely plenty to throw doubt on the situation. Is there any way your midwife can squeeze in your appointment sooner? That seems like a long time to wait for some peace of mind.

    1. I was thinking about hounding her, but then decided that since my word of the year is "peace," that I'm being called to...just chill the heck out for a minute. Which sucks and is boring! ;)

    2. In that case, I will pray for peace for you :)

    3. Peace is awesome, but I think in this case I might hound her while peacefully sniffing on the lavender oils.

  5. Dude. pregnant = CRAZZYYYY.. and pregnant with a boy makes me MOAR CRAY. I promise you my son HAD NO KNEES.. but whatever.

  6. Not crazy . . . get it checked. I had polyhydramnios with #4 and they measured my fluid every week in an ultrasound. Happy news, it resolved later in pregnancy and he turned out fine (nutso, but fine!) Measuring 9-11 weeks ahead of your due date is a BIG variation, especially if you were only measuring 2 weeks ahead previously. It never hurts to check things out, especially with something simple and non-invasive like an ultrasound. And you don't want to be surprised by twins at birth like my brother-in-law's mother was . . . :)

    1. Was just talking to the hubs (family medicine doc who delivers babies) and I mentioned your plight. He says, "get thee to the midwife and get checked out. Like yesterday." And he is not the kind of guy who tells people to rush anything. So there you go, free medical advice from someone you don't know at all, but who is a really good doctor. Promise! ;-)

    2. I was talking to my hubs, who is a maintenance man, and showed him your 30 week picture, and he said, "Whoa? I think?"

      Which obviously means, don't trust a non-daddy maintenance man when it comes to pregnancy-related questions. But I say, double check!

  7. Definitely voting for another ultrasound.

  8. I've had poly hydramnios and irritable uterus in separate pregnancies. That is, ph and IU in one and just IU in another. And, very often with poly hydramnios, as was the case in my pregnancy, there was nothing wrong with the baby at all. They also did not discover my poly hydramnios until well after the 20 week u/s. Always good to check in with the doc if you're nervous, although, I know I always feel like I have pregnant woman hypochondria when I do!

  9. Yep - another ultrasound for sure. Also, you have great (valid!) questions for your midwife re: homebirth candidacy! (ie. you are not crazy ;)

  10. Where did comment post go?? OK, I'll write it again.

    You're not crazy. And I hear you on the "irritable uterus" thing. If you're into herbs, I have an amazing tincture my midwife gave me for mine. You know where to find me.

  11. P.S. My sil just had "surprise" twins -- i.e., not discovered until the third u/s at 30 weeks. True story.

    1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaa...??? Recently? With modern technology present? See! I knew it was possible!

  12. You are totally not insane and I definitely think you should be checked out. I think measuring 9-11 weeks ahead is *not normal* on someone who normally DOES NOT measure ahead with previous pregnancies. Go with your gut and get checked. Maybe it's twins. Maybe it's polyhudramos. Maybe you're actually further ahead than you think (are you SURE of your dates?) If you only have a 20-wees u/s it's not that accurate with dates. But no matter what you need to be checked, ESPECIALLY if you are having a homebirth, just to make sure everything okay. Just my opinion.

  13. k, so get another ultrasound and all that.

    But what I really want to say is that when I saw that pic of you holding the camera on FB, here's what struck me—your face is just so beautiful. And it keeps getting more beautiful. What the heck? You trying to make life harder for the rest of us?

    But seriously. SO beautiful. Really. Your face just plain makes me happy, it's so beautiful.

  14. Dwija, all your symptoms sound eeeeeegsactly like you stalked me, took notes on my last pregnancy (that one where I had twins), and then wrote them here. Even when you said here your ultrasound showed one baby, I was thinking LIES and then, oh wait, she seems pretty for real on this one baby. I'm so anxious now. Hugs from MO from a woman crazier than you.

  15. Echoing everyone here: you are not insane. Get another ultrasound ASAP. In the meantime, get on your knees and pray for peace. Mother Mary, St. Gerard of Majella, pray from Dwija.

  16. You are insane for thinking that thinking about any of these valid concerns makes you insane. Get it? You've had six other pregnancies to refer back to (right?) and this one is very different and it causes you to think something might be different. Very sane, indeed.

    Get the ultrasound and beg your midwife to move the appt. up.

    (Also, if there are two in there, I still totally get credit for calling it first, right?!?! Remember?? Because twin prediction credit means something and I need to be validated.)

  17. Yet another vote for an extra ultrasound. I know you're neverevereverever supposed to say this to a pregnant woman, but I'm going to go for it because I truly mean it in the nicest and not insulting way at all. I've been really surprised each time you posted a belly pic, because I kept thinking, "wow..her belly is huge for as far along as she is." (And seriously, I just mean your belly is big. Not the rest of you!). I would be nervous about polyhudramos or an extra babeh as well, especially since you are having a homebirth. *hugs* Keep us updated!

  18. Granted I have not practiced in over 5 years; but yes I think you definitely need another u/s to rule out polyhydramnios and make SUPER sure that only one baby is baking. Keep the appointment but perhaps ask if she can put the u/s appointment making in the works soonest.

  19. My friends niece went to the hospital to deliver one baby snd came home with 2. The doctors had no clue and yes she had an ultrasound at 20 weeks. So it can happen that was only a couple of years ago.

  20. I had twins last July, and I looked about like you look when I was 30 weeks. Insist on another ultrasound...and maybe give birth at a hospital just in case...twin home births are not recommended. Blessings to you!

  21. I don't think those questions are at all ridiculous! It seems like a perfectly legit thing to ask/worry about, especially with all those signs. Hope you get some answers soon!

  22. I don't mean to be an enabler or anything ... but I've HAD twins and I want you to get another u/s too!! Irritable uterus is the worst, I hope you are able to get lots of rest!

  23. I am 38 weeks pregnant and just today the doctor measured me at 45 weeks so I can feel your pain (literaly!). But, we know I'm measuring so big because the baby has Trisomy 18 and isn't properly swallowing the amniotic fluid like she should be due to the expected esophageal atresia.

    Does your doctor/midwife give any indication what might be causing you to measure so far ahead? I would definitely request another ultrasound! If there were two babies in there, I would want to know well beforehand. And, if there was something else going on, I would want to know that as well!

  24. Ahh! Can't wait to see more of that little nugget! You look lovely, Dweej! I can't tell the cray cray of your eyeballs. ;)
    Country Girl’s Daybook ~ Heaven is for Real film review (release date April 16)

  25. You aren't crazy! I have had five homebirths and due to have another in June. I am sure you will do great. If it was me I would go get an ultrasound at one of those peek-a-boo places just to see if there were twins in there. Just to keep me at easy until the midwife appointment. Best of luck and you are in my prayers!

  26. that's nothing wrong on being crazy! I'm crazy too! But at least you make people laugh with your lunacy!
    And yes, I've read that's quite possible to discover you are having twins only late in your pregnancy! but, that's rare. But i would certainly be thinking between your exact same lines if I were in your situation!

  27. Second on the pretty photo! Great hair and makeup (and ginormous belly).

  28. There are two in there. I just know it. *hugs*

  29. Lots of "ditto" comments already, but scanning and didn't see this one - I heard it raised by Vicki Thorn a few times - she thinks twins are more common than we realize, and early miscarriage of 1 twin (sad, I know) accounts for a lot of misdating in pregnancy. She knows it happened to her when she birthed her 8 pound (or whatev, big) baby at 8 months preggo with no jaundice, etc, and thought back, realizing her last period before pos preg test was a little spotty, off date, etc. Is there any chance you conceived one cycle earlier than you thought you did, and possibly had spotting/weird period/clotting early that may have meant one of two didn't make it? Sorry to raise a somewhat upsetting prospect but I was thinking of that myself when I had an early period in Jan and then conceived in Feb. Baby is measuring normal for age, etc, and my symptoms all hit RIGHT when they should for me, so I don't think that was the case for me, but if you've been big right along, another "wonder."

    Isn't it great to have all these people tell you you're not craycray when you're big and pregnant and stressing??!!! I might need to start a blog for that sole purpose! :)

    Hang in there Dwija - you still look AMAZING!

  30. You are so not crazy. You are a pregnant woman!! If you weren't worried or obsessing about something, then you would actually be crazy.
    Also, two little stories to reassure your pregnant heart:
    Firstly, my mother in law did not know she was having twins until 36 weeks because the first ultrasound missed it. She was huge and her doctor finally ordered another utrasound because her previous 4 pregnancies were never so big. Hmm, maybe this story won't calm you down, but I hope you'll feel less crazy for wondering.
    Secondly, I had an irritable uterus with my last pregnancy that resulted in sooooo much laying down time. It started at 18 weeks and by the second ER visit I thought I was full on cray. What helped me the most was avoiding stress, both physical and mental, as best I could. I can email you a bunch more stuff on it if you'd like, but I ended up carrying Lucy until 41 weeks despite basically feeling like I was in early labor for 20 weeks straight. Fun!
    Prayers and get that second ultrasound to settle your mind!

  31. All pregnant women are crazy. I can say that because I am too. You are ok though, the cure comes when the baby reaches about 30 years old. Hold on, we are there with you.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Get re-checked. What if it's triplets? :P

  34. The irritable uterus thing is enough to make anyone crazy - I'm right there with you with the contractions, drinking an insane amount of water, and living in the bathroom. I have an incompetent cervix so I have a cerclage in, and I have crazy thoughts too (just dealing with my cervix and not about possible twins…I've had enough ultrasounds to rule that out lol). And I always say, if it's going to make me feel better, call my doc, who will usually want to do another ultrasound! Our preggo minds can run off with the wild thoughts. Saying a prayer for you!

  35. 1) The day a pregnant woman stops worrying about things that don't seem right is the day I worry about her.
    2) All moms need to hear the following more often, "You are smarter than you think you are. You are the mom. No one knows your baby or your body better than you. Asking NEVER hurts."
    3) Don't get on your knees and pray... you may never get back up, but I'll hit my knees for you.
    4) I've never seen a worried, tired, in pain pregnant mom look more beautiful. You are stunning! Giant belly or not, you just look radiant! Your face isn't heavy. Your arms aren't heavy. Nothing looks like you are retaining water, or anything else.
    5) I'm voting twins or quads. God's blessings work that way. ;)
    Blessings to you all!

  36. I am big believer in mother's intuition. If you feel like you need another ultrasound (even for the peace of mind) don't let yourself get talked out of it. Even if peace is your word of the year, sometimes our hearts and spirits are in unrest for a reason. We'll be keeping you in our prayers.

  37. Completely and totally agree with the many opinions that you both get the u/s and call to see if you can get it sooner. You really do need to know what's going on, and it is important in this case to know sooner rather than later.

  38. Oh honey. Hound that midwife. Letting this go on too long without knowing what's going on is going to make you feel the opposite of peaceful. Peace of mind sister. Praying for you and your precious baby/babies!

  39. My wife had twins in December at 34 weeks. She looked a lot like you now when she was at 30 weeks.

    If it's twins, they usually come early and often spend weeks in the NICU. Most of them come by 35 weeks. If you're not sure you're not having twins - and if you go into labor in the 6 weeks go to a hospital with a really good NICU. Drive to Kzoo or wherever.

    More importantly, be sure. Have an ultrasound as soon as possible. But if you go into labor before then, go to the best hospital you can make it to.

  40. How does that make you insane?! I had the most boring of normal pregnancies and my mind went crazy. Now I'm so eager to hear what the report from the doc/midwife/ultrasound tech is!

  41. When I was pregnant with my fifth baby I was huge. From the time I was 4 months people were asking if I was SURE it wasn't twins. I measured at least a month ahead the entire time. And, I had lots of contractions from my 7th month on. So much bed rest! At 36 weeks I said to heck with it and resumed normal activities.
    My son was born a week late, he weighed 9 and a half pounds (and had a huge head). my placenta weighed nearly as much as him and I had tons of amniotic fluid. That combined with his funky way out front position probably accounted for my size. I hope you have a fat chunk of a baby, they make the best cuddlers, lol!

  42. Your word of the year is peace, and surely you would feel more AT peace if you had another ultrasound, just to double check all the things? I don't think it would be bad at all to push for it sooner rather than later. I have almost 5 year old twins and looked a lot like you when I was 30 weeks along (well, not as glow-y and gorgeous but still!) and I'm 5'6" too :-) Either way, it would be nice to know right? I've been reading your blog for while now and it seems to me that if anybody is going to have a sneaky, crafty, hiding away second baby in there then it would have to be Dwija. Oh, and I feel you on the round ligament pain, nasty! Praying for you!

  43. There is nothing worse than freaking out in pregnancy so I fully support you. Craziness, thy name is pregnancy. But you look ridiculously good for having such a big uterus ;)

  44. You are so not crazy! And how could your mind not be reeling....especially with that potential mini-lurker in that u/s pic :) I know you are so uncomfortable, but seriously, you look so insanely gorg in this pic. Praying for you, Mama!

  45. I don't know if this will calm your lunacy or send you over the edge, but...My last pregnancy, baby #7, 42 year old momma, I was humongous and beyond. I think they got out the elephant measuring tape to confirm my largeness. I was so large, so uncomfortable and so dang slow in moving anywhere, that I called my husband one day and declared, "If the house catches on fire, I will just have to go up with it because there is NO WAY I can make it out in time & I actually might block the children from getting out by my extreme girth." I too had the same thoughts, "There are really 2 and the other is hiding!" Turns out, there was only 11 pounder! Big enough for 2!

  46. You are not crazy! You and I are only a week apart in our pregnancies, but this is my first so I can totally not compare my bump to yours. But perhaps getting an ultrasound at an ultrasound place? They only cost about $50 (much cheaper than a doctor doing one usually), and they are usually less rushed so you can get a really good look around!

  47. I know that week-long wait seeming like a year!! I can barely wait between appointments right now and I'm 37 weeks. I think you should call the midwife and see how soon they can figure out what's going on. Even if she wants to do it next week, she should be prepared for a serious, figure-stuff-out appointment, not a in-and-out routine one.

  48. I have never heard of an irritable uterus. I've heard of irritable bowel, and there's nothing cute about that. But whatever - you know what you're experiencing.

    So . . .
    1) maybe you conceived before you thought you did because God likes to remind us that even with all the science and technology, He is still in charge.

    2) maybe your baby is above average and will succeed and outperform in all areas of life. Somebody has to be above average.

    3) maybe you do have twins, and one of them is shy and hiding behind the other one.

    4) There's at least one Catholic blogger (Rose or Rosie) who found out late on in pregnancy that she was having twins.

    5) Maybe it's just one baby who comes with his/her own bassinet. It's a value-pack pregnancy.
    Go ahead and hound the midwife. The peace thing during Lent is waived when a momma is taking care of her babies.

    I hope you're having twins. Keep us updated!

  49. Dude, I'll throw fuel on the fire. So my midwife told me last year about her midwife friend who missed twins. She was super experienced too, it was just a waaaaaay tricky baby. They had no idea till the home birth. It all turned out completely fine. Just super surprised. Then she told me she knew TWO people who had ultrasounds that missed twins. So......... I'll say some prayers for ya!

  50. Crazy is part of the definition of pregnancy....Isn't it?!! Definitely get another u/s if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease! You look gorgeous and glowy! Hang in there!

  51. You are a completely adorable giant pregnant lady. Please do not worry about book giveaways. You've got enough to think about!

  52. Dwija, pregnancy worries and round ligament pain are both the worst. Yuck. Here are my thoughts: scanning these comments, I think everyone agrees that it's a given that you should insist on another ultrasound. Don't just inquire about one; insist on it. I'd call the midwife and explain your concerns. Don't wait for your appointment. Call her. Here's where my idea might be helpful: ask her to order an ultra-sound that you can have done (preferably just-as-soon-as-you-hang-up-the-phone!) BEFORE your appointment with her on Tuesday. See? You could potentially have this all figured out before the weekend even starts. And guess what? Peace, that's what!

    Remember that different situations require different means of attaining peace. Don't let yourself think that you are failing at your word of the year. You're living it out; you're seeking it.

    Praying for your comfort and peace.

    ps- I second the sweet commenter who fawned over your beauty. Seriously, woman. You. are. beautiful. Hang in there, Mama!

  53. So if you do find out that belly is twins you have got to just sit around reading awesome twin home birth stories. You know, the ones where the babies are born hours apart and the labor completely stops while mama nurses and doses with baby number 1 and then 3 hours later you feel a twinge and cough and out pops baby 2. Sort of dreamt, right??

  54. Obviously I am hoping you are doing okay and everything and everyone is safe, but I just have to say, twins are awesome in both senses of the word ;)

  55. When they do your u/s, make sure they not only check for kidney function of baby, but also how baby is swallowing....size of jaw.....I had polyhydraminoes, severely, measured huge, my midwife begrudgingly ordered an u/s....they missed the fact my baby had an extremely small jaw (Pierre Robin Sequence) and wasn't swallowing well. They totally dismissed my concerns. He should never have been delivered at home and while I'm not on an anti-home birth crusade, I am all about following and listening to your little guy is 12 now and doing great, but his home birth was not, let's just say, one that makes the groovy home birth books. ;)

    1. Thank you for this, Diana. That is definitely something I hadn't heard of and need to put on my "to consider" list.

  56. Hey pretty mama! Our mutual friend Haley sent me your way. I my twins are 14 months old now (babies #3 and 4 for us), so my twin pregnancy is still fresh in my mind. While you do look like you are measuring around where I was toward the end of my pregnancy, I wanted to point out that one of my twins did have polyhydramnios. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your picture. I haven't read all the comments (you have muy helpful readers!) but there is generally an increase in movement when polyhydramnios is at play because there's all that fluid to bounce around in! HOORAY! SWIMMING POOL! If I were in your shoes (swollen feet? that's another sign), I would stand on the table and demand another ultrasound to determine if that is what is going on. Baby will probably be fine, but it can make birth a different experience altogether.

    Best wishes to you, beautiful lady!

  57. Hi Dwija! I have been following your blog for awhile but this is my first time commenting. :) My last pregnancy I was HUGE and I know exactly what you mean about the CRAZY movement. There were times I would literally tell my husband to get ready to go to the hospital because I was afraid the baby was actually going to kick through my belly (ridiculous but they were that intense) anyway, at 40 weeks I delivered a healthy 11.5 lb baby girl. I had multiple ultrasounds and no one came even close to suspecting she was that big. So all that to say, I think it is absolutely great that you are getting an ultrasound just in case, but if they can't give you a reason, sometimes babies are just BIG. :) Besides, someone pointed out that having an 11 lber is like having 6 lb twins! Anxiously awaiting your news and praying for you. :)

    1. My grandma did have some enormous babies eventually, so maybe I'm just in line for a 12 pounder!

  58. Throwing fuel on the fire...


    Seriously though, stranger things have happened, have they not?

  59. That's how I looked with my early kicking, always moving twins. I can't wait for Wednesday!!

  60. I cannot believe they haven't wanted to do another ultrasound, given how large you're measuring. When I wasl 10 weeks (10 WEEKS) along with my third, my doctor freaked out about me measuring two or three weeks ahead, and ordered an early ultrasound. Even though I reminded him about my history of large babies (none weighed less than 10 pounds at birth), he still insisted. He was concerned about the amniotic fluid, possible twins, et cetera. And later on he ordered two MORE because he thought they might have "missed a baby the first time." Hah.

  61. Oh my goodness, you are NOT cray-cray at all!! I'm measuring just one week ahead, but I'm sure my thoughts would instantly go to TWINS too, if I was measuring full term. If it's any consolation, you look absolutely wonderful. I will offer you up in my prayer time - the pains of pregnancy can be so awful, especially when you can't sleep. I've got mega swelling going on, fat feet, fat fingers, swollen calves and yep, contractions, contraction, contractions. At this point, I'm hoping just to get through May. An early birth would be such a mercy. Many are the merits being won for your family through your heroic sacrifice - even if you feel like you're going crazy!! Hang in there, we can do this!! :)

  62. I must be missing something. Why wouldn't your provider/midwife order an ultrasound when you are measuring so much ahead of where your dates say you should be? I am 32 weeks with #8 and am measuring 33 - well below where you are. Pregnant brains are not normally rational brains and if I were in your shoes, I would be going INSANE! Call your midwife and let her know that you're on your way for an ultrasound. Do not take no for an answer. You need some peace of mind - I know that's your word for the year - time to find some! Keep us all posted!

  63. Just wanted to say hi and thanks for another post and you don't sound looney to me...all reasonable questions to ask. You are an inspiration, thanks for sharing through your blog!!

  64. 1. Not crazy in the slightest.
    2. I just had a little girl 3 weeks ago. From 33 weeks forward, my belly was measuring "small." As a result, I have a teeny bit of experience on what that means. Basically, you are measuring "on time" if your belly measures within 3 weeks (behind or ahead) of your dates. So when you measured "2 weeks ahead", you weren't really "ahead" - in other words, you were "within range." Now that you are measuring 9-11 weeks "ahead" - something is definitely different and it is noteworthy and your midwife really needs to get you that ultrasound NOT because anything is terribly wrong, but just to get answers for you and for your home birth. I am going to echo everyone else's sentiments to push for answers asap. I am sure your midwife is fantastic, but I am a little surprised she can't find a way to fit you in earlier.

  65. p.s. I myself am a "mystery twin." :) I am "Baby B... " the baby not only my mom's OB missed but *another* OB who was considered an "expert" at "diagnosing" twins ALSO missed. My mother was told she was having a 12-lb baby. When my 6lb sister was born, the OB said, "Oh... oh, I am so sorry... there IS another baby in there.. " I was born 8 minutes after my sister. :)

    This was 30+ years ago, so no ultrasound was done since it wasn't standard, however, like I said, they did do multiple exams (including looking for multiple heartbeats) with multiple OBs, and still missed me. :)

  66. If I were in your shoes, I'd be driving my husband crazy with, "We're having twins. No, we're not, the dr said it's fine. Actually we are. No, it's this other thing. Etc, etc, etc non-stop." You are being totally normal!

  67. I was reluctant to get more ultrasounds, because of the cost (insurance didn't cover it because my home birth midwife was "out of network") but very glad I did... The 26 week ultrasound picked up my twins and a 34 week ultrasound meant that when I went into labor a couple days later and had to transfer to a hospital, I had much less resistance to a vaginal birth for the twins. I also say go for it!

  68. Yikes, so many scary stories! But no one is saying the ONE thing that helped me with the irritable uterus .... and that is MAGNESIUM. I have had IU all three pregnancies now, along with eye twitches, leg cramps, insomnia. When I started taking magnesium, it all magically got SO MUCH better. I use the bath flakes, or oil on my skin, because then you don't have to take a pill and I'm all about that. Some of the oral kinds absorb better than others, so you could research which are best -- I am not an expert. I just use magnesium chloride flakes, which they have at Ancient Minerals and also I think Swanson has them. If you don't have anything else, try epsom salts from the drugstore in your bath.

    I am not kidding, it makes the difference for me from uncomfortable contractions starting at 18 weeks and getting timeable by 30 weeks or so, to having an ordinary amount of braxton-hicks. If I miss too many days in a row, it all comes back. Magnesium also makes labor less painful, so seriously, get on that; you won't be a bit sorry.

  69. Did you feel more tired or sick with this pregnancy than with your others? I had morning sickness until about 5 months with my twins and fantasized about sleep all the time. I found out this is more common with twins as the hormone levels are higher.

  70. I don't think you're crazy, but this post and all these comments make me pretty excited to see what's eventually gonna come out. And for your sake, I hope it happens closer to 37 weeks than 42.
