

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The things I didn't do

I've had these thoughts rolling around in my head for a while now, but keep pushing them aside.

Haven't a hundred women written about this same thing?  But maybe you don't read their blogs...

So now it's the Feast of St. Martha and Kathryn just posted this and I think it's time.

Years ago...probably 8 years or so, I traveled to Chicago alone to spend a weekend with one of my dearest friends from college.  It was summer.  We went to the vigil Mass on Saturday night, the two of us and her husband.  The reading was the story of Martha and Mary.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Confessions of a closet shy girl

I spent the weekend obsessively checking the #edel14 hashtag, trying unsuccessfully to blue-skidoo into my screen.  We also had to say 'no' to a big family reunion up north for many of the same reasons that I had to let that airplane out of Grand Rapids leave without me.  But our annual three day parish festival is successfully on the books (despite the fact that I had to drive behind the procession on Sunday instead of walking [although Tommy tried to make me feel better by assuring me that the humidity level + bug count was severely uncomfortable.  So nice of him] which is usually, like, my favorite activity of the year) and I know I was right where I needed to be.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

5 Favorites in 2 minutes!

I'm supposed to be leaving in TWO minutes to pick Lizzy up from the horse camp she's working at this week, but I think she often prays I'm late, so how about the world's fastest faves?

Zucchini Bread

This zucchini bread recipe

It is so good.  Every person with teeth loved it.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Big kids and little kids and worksheets...oh my!

A few days ago, Micaela  graciously allowed me to participate in her How I Homeschool series (the submissions have all been so interesting and diverse. You really should read them!) and our mutual reader Heather asked the following question in the comments: 

Hi, Dwija! Thanks for your insight into Borobia homeschooling! We pulled our school-age kids from Catholic school to homeschool at Christmas break this year, and, well, it was a hot mess. Our eldest (rising 6th grader) really craves structure and organization in her school day that I, with four younger kids (including 3-yo and 18-mo Destructo twins plus high-functioning autistic unschooled) cannot provide. Any ideas? Also also … how do you keep your leeetle people occupado? And how do I convince my husband that people are actually learning without tests, quizzes, and worksheets? Thank you, O wise one! God bless yer socks off.

Whew!  That's a lot.  That's like....all the things every homeschooling mom worries and wonders about all the time.   So you are not alone, Heather!  Not even close.  Before I start rambling, I'll warn you that I've only homeschooled for 3 years so far.  So I'll be referring you to lots of other places after I offer the little bit that I can.

(As is common, this picture has nothing to do with anything.  But isn't it so cute?)

First, let's break down this question (hammer time...)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The first anniversary

Tuesday.  I went into it so cautiously.  Maybe nervously is the better word.  Because those days leading up to it were rough.  Really rough.  Maybe it was the uncertainty?  The anticipation?  I've never celebrated an anniversary like that before.  All of it was uncharted territory for us and I just...I just didn't know.  I was sad.  The combination was not good.

Emotions are hard.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Peace, Love, Homeschool

Yesterday was...actually kind of wonderful. Peaceful.  And it wouldn't have been, I know, if it weren't for all of you.  The power of prayer is real and tangible and the most incredible blessing during trying times. 

And I'm going to tell you all about it. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Two Anniversaries

The scene:

A woman sits on the middle cushion of a sofa.  On her lap is a boppy.  On her boppy is a five week old baby.  The baby is nursing.  A 6 year old boy hangs on her right shoulder, a 4 year old girl on her left.  A 2 year old girl leans against her left knee. 

On the coffee table in front of her you'll find three stuffed animals, an Ergo baby carrier, a box of baby wipes, a discarded pair of earrings, a library bag (the contents of which has been dumped onto the floor), and the empty wrapper from a mozzarella cheese stick.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bright (TT)

I miss blogging. I miss chatting with y'all.  I miss working through my thoughts by spilling my brain here.  And it feels like the longer I'm "down" the harder it is to get back up because where do I even start?

Link-ups to the rescue!

Back when Theme Thursday first started, I used it as encouragement to hone my photography skills.  I mean you know how it can be with a house full of kids- you get so wrapped up in the corporal needs of small people that you forget that there are other sorts of non corporal needs and that you are a person with those needs too.  I've always denied that I have any sort of artistic talent, but the camera lets me explore skills that I didn't know I could have and find beauty looking at the world in a way I didn't know I could.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Help bring Brett home

It's been a while since I've honked the adoption horn up in this piece, but mostly that's because I haven't been doing much here at all. BUT.  I've gotten two different adoption help requests recently and I'm taking that as a sign that we better hop back on the train.

Okay, fine- enough transportation metaphors.

Yesterday I shared this couple's story over on the fan page and today I'm here to get you PUMPED about helping a sweet little boy with cerebral palsy bust out of his Eastern European orphanage for good and come home with his forever family.

This is Brett: