

Monday, September 29, 2014

Learning Notes vol. 2

What can I say?  My kids are weird.

Earlier this evening Charlie (almost 4 months old) helped Paul (7) practice his spelling.  Or reading.  Something word related.  I'll let you decide what to call it, m'kay?  The game goes like this:

Friday, September 26, 2014

I Tracked Every Purchase for a Year and Here's What I Have to Say About That (7qt)

A little over a year ago, we finally decided we were sick of only sorta kinda knowing how we were spending our money.  With a house full of kids and a new(er)-house pipe dream on the horizon, I decided we were finally going to make a budget and stick to our budget.  But guess what?  I couldn't.  And I'll tell you why.  Because...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jamberry Nail Wraps: giveaway

Welcome friends, both new and old!  It's been really moving to be a part of the enthusiastic response to yesterday's post.  Incredible.  God is so smart and good.  So, welcome back to....a product review and giveaway?  Well, I wouldn't want you to get too accustomed to me being full of insight and smartness, would I?  Because truly those moments are few and far between.  Most of the time I'm just here doing my renovating/homeschooling/pseudo girly mom thang and I'm super grateful that y'all like to hang out and do all of that with me.

So let's get to it! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

All In

We have a new pastor. He's the great-grand-nephew-something of a previous pastor at our parish, a pastor we never knew because we just got here 4.2 years ago, but he was definitely much beloved and where am I going with this?

Oh, here's where I'm going.  Our new pastor is really young (younger than ME young!  And I'm...what?  24 or something?  So, wow.  Young.) and he has the same last name and is related to that previous pastor and I sort of...

Ugh.  I bet someone is going to tell him this.  Or he's going to read it himself.  (I saw him checking his iphone right before Mass yesterday.  Then he stealth-like dropped it into the hidden pocket in his ankle length cassock, suited up in his ordinary-time green vestments and processified right in.  Homey ain't afraid of the interwebz.).  But I'll press on.  Because I'm foolish.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Camo overload, boots, cutes (7qt)

You know, the thing about doing all your own blog "workin'" is that sometimes all your social sharing buttons disappear from your right sidebar and are replaced by a 404 error message and you have no idea what happened nor how to fix it.  Viva 2 a.m. watching youtube tutorials!

What you really want isn't information on the inner workings of blog land, is it? No.  You're here for the bebe.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Before I Had a Seven Year Old

Remember a few months ago when I demanded you start reading Kate Rhodes' blog?  Well, in case you forgot to click her link or didn't add her to your bloglovin' roll, here's another chance.  I love Kate.  I don't know how to explain it.  She just....makes me feel like my heart has an extra layer of frosting on it or something.

Awkward pause.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Learning Notes

Melanie writes at The Wine Dark Sea. Have you ever read her blog? I'm blessed to know her from UD, but even more blessed to know her better now through her writing and her mothering life.

Maybe she will be embarrassed by what I'm about to say, but I'm going to go ahead and say it because every mom needs to hear what they're good at from someone other than their husband and kids: when I want advice or guidance or encouragement in opening up the world of literature or art or history to my children, she is the first person I think of.  Her personal knowledge of these things, as if they're woven into her very being, is beyond anything I'm going to able to accomplish in myself.  AND her willingness and ability to allow that to blossom naturally in her kids is so admirable.  I tend to still cling too much to "what the grade level expectations are" in a lot of things and in so doing have in the past stifled what could have been a truly organic learning adventure, the kind that actually brings them joy sticks with them throughout their lives.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Everything you didn't want to know about us selling and buying houses

The best time to do crazy things is when everything is already crazy. That's how I like to roll, at least.  So there's a newborn and a new school year and a house we're trying to buy and this house we're getting ready to sell and it's all happening at a breakneck pace and that's cool, man.  That's cool.  Because once it's OVER, we can immerse ourselves in Thanksgiving and Advent and Christmas without all of this hanging over our heads.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Me and that baby and what we wore (wiws)

You know what I'm most excited about in the (potential) new house?  It has a full length mirror.  Already installed.  Somehow that particular task, the installation of a full length mirror somewhere in this house, has eluded me for over four years now, so clearly it's never going to happen.  So forever and ever, if we don't get the new house, whenever I decide to share what I wore or a belly or other mirror-requiring photo, you will have to endure terrible selfies like the following:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ceci speaks, semi-girliness, happy videos (7qt)

Let's shoot out of the gate with four totally true quips from this firecracker of a child because letting my kids write a post for me is just my kind of lazy:

Cecilia, while modeling for Tommy her "hula hula" outfit (bathing suit shown above with a red skirt on the bottom): ...AND I wore it to co-op today!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Wait. Why are selling your house???

Blogging is weird because you can write entire posts about itty bitty teeny weeny things, things like how much I despise that show Sid the Science Kid for example.  But then when ginormous things happen, you're like "oh and by the way a herd of elephants trampled our car and it was weird.  Moving on to this MASCARA I FOUND WOW IT'S SO GREAT AND IMPORTANT."

Know what I'm sayin'?

Case in point: we are thisclose to putting our house (The House) on the market, and I sort of just brought it up in passing like it's no big deal.  And then people were like "um, can you back this train up and pick up a few passengers that you left behind, passengers like Mrs. What the Heck and  Mr. Why?"

Friday, September 05, 2014

3 Months; First Day; New House; Awesome Baby (7qt)

There's probably a really good German word for what my life is like right now.  I wouldn't call it stressful because I feel a river of peace running smoothly underneath this mountain.  But the mountain- the mountain is what I'm talkin' about.  The school year starting, prepping our own house to go on the market, trying to buy this other house, trying not to be surprised every four hours when people want to eat...again. 



How about some pictures?

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Bathroom Questions Answered (5 faves)

Welcome to 5 favorites: the Stuff We Did to the Bathroom edition!

I promised to answer your combox questions yesterday but there were conveniently FIVE of them, so here's the second post in a row about our quicky, cheapo bathroom reno.  You're welcome.


What did you do to that bathtub?!? Did it involve the bartering of first-born children?

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Labor Day Bathroom Reno - SHAZAM!

Remember on Friday when I said we were thinking about selling The House Unseen?

Well.  Deep breath.  Here's what happened since then.

-Our offer on a place two miles away got accepted (as I said to my friend Amanda "I don't want a new life, I just want a new house!)

-We realized we have to get this place, our current house, appraised.