

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Before I Had a Seven Year Old

Remember a few months ago when I demanded you start reading Kate Rhodes' blog?  Well, in case you forgot to click her link or didn't add her to your bloglovin' roll, here's another chance.  I love Kate.  I don't know how to explain it.  She just....makes me feel like my heart has an extra layer of frosting on it or something.

Awkward pause.

SO! She's running a series called Before I Had a Seven Year Old and was kind enough to invite me to play along.  3 months ago.  And I finally responded, like, 3 days ago. Still she is patient and understanding and posted my response anyway and maybe you'd like to read it?  I bet you would.  Also: cute pictures of my kids.

Clicky right here for a walk down parenting lane con mi.

Hasta la pasta!

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  1. Ha! I TOTALLY get your "makes me feel like my heart has an extra layer of frosting on it or something". I big puffy heart people that make me feel extra-heart-frosted.

  2. Dwija, I loved that post so much, in what you said about the mental energy required to parent young kids. You're the first person who ever described how I feel--THANK YOU. I shall go and write about you writing about this now. :)
