

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Stacking Discounts for Christmas Cards

Last year I was the most on top of things woman who ever was, ordering our Christmas cards on, oh I don't know...Labor Day or something. And then I actually mailed them out the day after Thanksgiving like some kind of fictional character in a novel written by Martha Stewart.

This year? Not so much. 

This move, which is STILL not complete btw (pro tip: even if you're moving locally and don't have to be out of your house by a certain date, give yourself a fictional date and move the heck out. Be loading a truck at 2 a.m. if you have to. Because dearlawdalmighty it will not end!), has really taken up all our freeish time an then every single one of us got sick, but not at the same time. Of course not! No. One after another after another after another. 8 people in a row. The brain was the mush. 

What the bleep  I prattling on about? Oh, Christmas cards!

This basically gives you an idea of the rest of the "shoot"

So today, the day after the day after Thanksgiving, can you guess what happened? Oh, you know it- we got our first Christmas card of the season in the mail ( many blessings and bows heaped upon you and in your general direction, Kathryn!). And that's when I was like "oh noez! I never ordered our Christmas cards!"  In fact, I never even did our second photo session ( not a session. Just me and the tripod and the 10 second timer. Always fun. ) after the first one yielded no options I totally loved.

Equally fantastic.
But you know what? Good enough is better than not at all. I love sending out cards, I love getting cards, and I love not adding  new things to my to (not) do list. So I fired up the laptop, picked the least bad of the photos we took back on October and place ye olde order from shutterfly because they're having a sweet sale right now (as they should be).

Can you hear the angels trumpeting? DISCOUNT STACKING, PEOPLE.

First I went to ebates so I could get cash back on the order which is where I saw coupon codes. Many many coupon codes. I hopped on shutterfly from there and didn't think too hard about which design I liked most (there were lots of good ones so it wasn't a "pick the least bad one" scenario), then uploaded the pic licketty split. I decided to spring for a couple of fancy extras like rounded corners and full color on both sides so I could combine Christmas card (front) with an address change card ( back).  Genius, yes?

Maybe I should've photoshopped my head into this one and sent it out like that...
I'll report back when I get the finished product in the mail, but on the site they looked great and the little tools were easy to use (I've only ever use snapfish before, so this was my maiden voyage on shutterfly). 

Once I was done, I used not one, not two, but THREE promo codes on my order. An order that originally totaled $129 came out to $47. Including shipping. Because there was no shopping. Free shipping! Yay!

So anyway, tonight is the night you stop procrastinating and just order your cards,m'kay?

Ebates for cash back.

Free shipping at shutterfly with code ship39

An extra 10 cards free with code blackfriday

And $20 off a $60 order with code 20off60

This is how we do it (this is how we do it). This is how we do it, it's Saturday night, everything's alright....

Fist bump. Blow it up. 

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  1. This post alone was the kick in the pants I needed to order ours! Thank you!!

  2. I always order ours from Sams Club because they are INSANELY cheap. The designs are not overly fantastic but usually I make it work because they are so sthinkin' cheap. I spend way more $$$ in stamps to mail them out - which is why hubby picks them up because I cannot bear to fork over the money; plus I request the Nativity stamps that require a special trip to the 'main' post office aka the one with the world's longest lines EVER

  3. You are hilarious. Hope everyone is feeling better, and yess to Joanne! SAMs Club has always been wonderful for Christmas cards and photo prints and stuff like that (and pretzels). I haven't done Christmas cards in 2 years... maybe I should get my backside moving on that...

    The Starving Inspired
    The Starving Inspired

  4. I sent Shutterfly cards for years and years and was always pleased with the quality. Good on you for getting it done!!

  5. Yes, no seriously...Christmas cards SLASH change of address cards are where it's at!
