

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


On the 5th, our not so tiny tiny baby turned one.  This is the first time I've felt really, truly sad about reaching this milestone.  It's silliness, I know.  He will be my boy for eternity.  He will never not be my son no matter what.  But his arrival was so remarkable, his infancy was just so blessed and joyful, and his new-found toddlerhood so charming and entertaining, that I can't help but want to hold on to all of it somehow.  What an absolutely scrumptious baby he is.

 And now for the hilarious birthday evening sequence you've been waiting for....

Poor buddy was scared of the fire!  Mah bebeh....

Luckily it was siblings to the rescue and chocolate brownies and ice cream to soothe the sting and all was well with the world.

 And finally, thanks to the generous heart of Rakhi of The Pitter Patter Diaries, who sent me an iphone when my ipod died so that I could snatch photos on the run, enjoy this sequence of JC being himself and Cecilia photobombing, as one does.

Happy birthday, Mr. Chubby Cheeks.  You are so incredibly loved.

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  1. Happy birthday to that sweet child full of joy!

  2. So cute and sweet! Happy Birthday!

  3. He is so cute!! Thank you for the smiles today!! Happy birthday cutie patootie!

  4. Happy birthday to my cutest birthday buddy!

  5. I have a Charlie who turned 1 on the 30th of May, and he and your little guy are SO alike. Just the sunniest, sweetest little guys ever. There must have been something in the water. :)

  6. He is pure beauty. I haven enjoyed watching him grow on IG - love my #dailyjohncharles !

  7. Happy birthday to your sweet little baby!!

  8. Oh m my goodness. I actually chuckled out loud! Happy belated birthday little man!

  9. Even though I haven't actually seen him in real life, I really think he's one of the sweetest, cutest babies ever. The birthday sequence is hilarious–both his expressions of horror and Lizzy's (right? not Katie?) laughter.

  10. Awww, happy birthday to His Cuteness!

  11. How cute is he?! Happy birthday, cutiepants!!

  12. One already!!!??? No way!!
    Happy Birthday, JC!!!

  13. I love that you kept snapping photos instead of allaying the pyro fear. Hilarious. And also: that shot with him in the sideways cap? Are you trying to kill us?
