

Monday, June 24, 2013

Living / Dining Room Reveal (before and after pics)

I know! You totally thought I'd forgotten.

Well, very lucky for me I've got renovations on the brain because I have the most generous friends and readers in all of America-land.  Wait, lemme back up a sec.  Sometimes the thoughts come faster than the words, ya know?

Despite the barftastic barfiness that was Friday and, yes, most of the weekend, the days still managed to be wonderful because people are wonderful.  See, when I went to get the mail (one of my few walking excursions outside during the day is my shuffle from the living room to the mailbox and back.  Sacred!) I discovered not one but TWO presents waiting for me in there.

From Mary Kate, this beautiful Mothers' Manual prayer book:

and from Bonnie , a touching mix of devotional songs (both traditional and contemporary) that she herself enjoyed when her sweet boy was in the NICU.  Because there are times when we just need our prayers said for us, aren't there?

p.s. I'm pretty sure Bonnie needs to host "make your own personalized stationary" classes.  Fer serious.

So voila!  Weekend fixed by generous hearts.  But theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, on Sunday, after BLEACHING ALL THE THINGS FOR MANY HOURS, I finally hopped online to find that Cari has done this.

Now y'all, can I even express to you how hard it is for me to just accept this kind of shocking selfless kindness from others?  But then I'm reminded by smart, holy friends that other people's charity isn't about ME.  Disallowing kindness won't magically make me a better person, but it will magically make the givers feel hurt.  You know, like if you make a bunch of treats for guests and then the guests come over and you eagerly offer them the treats and they're like "Oh, no thanks.  I already ate."  All that work for nothing. Sad deflated panda....

So now I get it and I'm trying to accept the lesson in humility and revel in the joy of knowing that so much charity is just Out There, ya know?

Which brings us to the living room reveal because I gots me renovations on the brain, yo.

As a reminder, here was my inspiration photo, courtesy of ye olde Pinterest:

And here are the before pics of the rooms:

I'm so sorry.  Are your eyes bleeding?  I really hate when I make your eyes bleed.  Mea culpa.

Here, have some eye salve!

proof there are children in the house, part 1

proof there are children in the house, part 2

I bet you're not even scared to walk in our front door anymore, are you?  It really is so great and was worth every arm-cramping moment.

Requisite details:

Wall color- True Value Hardware "southern plantation", color #32C3
Trim- unchanged
Accessories- Goodwill
Dining room rug: Indoor/Outdoor area rug for easy clean-up

I think that's about it.  Let me know if you have any other burning questions.

And here's what's going to go up in the before/after tab....



Ah.  Feels so good!
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  1. Gorgeous! It's amazing how much brighter it is! Also I love that big huge mirror! And Goodwill accessories? You're a girl after my own heart!

  2. Gorgeous!! It looks so much more inviting! I also love that you have a couch that just looks out a window (not at a TV, but out the window--what a novel idea!).

  3. Are you kidding me? It looks amazing! Pin it and people will be using your house as an inspiration picture.

  4. Wow! What a difference! I am so glad you are accepting the kindness of others! It is a ministry to do so!

  5. Holy moley! Can't wait to see the After in person!!!!! Your vision is amazing!!!

  6. That blue is so lovely! Congratulations on a happy project completion! :)

  7. It looks so awesomelyfantastic! Wow. So light and bright!

  8. So awesome! Isn't paint amazing? The room looks SO much brighter and lighter.

  9. Love the color!! So big and bright and breezy, it looks like a beach house :)

  10. Lovely! Just lovely. Well Done, Dwija.

  11. That's a beautiful color! It looks twice as big now and it's so bright and cheery. That huge window and view: love!

  12. That paint! *gasp* The room is so much lighter and full of cheer. I love it! And I love your huge window. Lucky.

    I hope you like the songs, Dwij! I can't take credit for the card though. That was my friend Katie, who is incredibly talented. You can see her crafts and all her free DRE / youth group / 5th grade Catholic curriculum here:

  13. Wow! The room looks incredible!!! I love the blue- it really brithens the room up and makes the space look bigger. Awesome job! Prayers still coming your way :)

  14. "Disallowing kindness won't magically make me a better person, but it will magically make the givers feel hurt." <----Needed this said exactly this way. It is a weird struggle to receive when you're used to giving. Thank you so much.

    As for the reveal, gorgeous! Painting paneling is the BEST!!!

  15. It's such a huge difference. It looks great!

  16. Great paint choice! It makes a world of difference in photos--I can only imagine how much brighter it feels to you!! Keep resting. Sending prayers!

  17. Ohmygosh!!!! It's so much lighter and brighter! My living room is a similar color, so maybe I'm a bit partial, but really. It looks. so. good.

  18. Wow! What a difference that color makes! SO much brighter!

    And you are so right, accepting help is just as important as giving it sometimes.

  19. So so beautiful! And I bet it makes you all happier every single time you walk into the room :)

  20. I lived through the Dark Ages of Paneling & it still amazes me how much light that sucks up. Why in the world we ever thought that was a good idea is beyond me. And, I'm with Cari, pin this so I can repin it!

  21. PS: Praying for the natologist's visit tomorrow.

  22. That is an awesome transformation! I love how much brighter the living room looks! Amazing!

    And, I love that you have San Damiano crucifix on your wall!

  23. Wow! It really brightens up the rooms! Well done!

  24. Love! What a huge difference. I am sure it brightens your spirit just to be in your "new" rooms!

    And using an indoor/outdoor rug for easy clean-up? Brilliant!

  25. Totally and completely blown way at how beautiful the "after" looks. Go Dweej!

  26. Wow! What a difference! Congrats to you and yours on a job well done!

  27. That is incredible, I'm totally, totally stunned at the transformation and your visualisation to realise what it could be! I imagine you just keep heading into the room to inhale{}

  28. It looks great! I love the blue and as everybody else has said, "it's so much brighter!!!" it's amazing!

    Now what we all want to see next are pictures of the pin worthy remodeled laundry room!

  29. Wow that turned out beautifully! Great job!

  30. And oh! I have that prayer book! It is so beautiful. It always makes me want to be more worthy of the calling of motherhood.

  31. Wow! It is amazing how much a coat of paint can lighten a room. Beautiful! :)

  32. LOVE the paint color! Congratulations on completing it! That would be a lot of work for anyone, but it is especially impressive when you're also trying to be a mom, run a household and home school. Well done. Now take it easy. :)

    Jennifer @ Little Silly Goose

  33. Elegant looking dining room! I can't stop reading your blog since I visited Dwija! This is also a perfect timing, because my friend that will transfer to her new unit at highline residences is currently looking for a new design and I will share this one to her.
