

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Current Fantasy + Maternity Jeans (7qt)

Sometimes (and by "sometimes" of course I mean every day of my life) I fantasize about being ambushed for a quick episode of What not to Wear and/or (AND is preferred, but in a pinch I'll accept OR) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.  I can think of nothing more exciting at the moment than having someone competent cut and color and style my hair- I'd need to be wearing an enormous white fluffy bathrobe of course- while someone else simultaneously gives me a pedicure.
And a manicure.  And I have cucumber slices on my eyes.  I'm sure that does something glorious for a person's complexion and energy levels.

When I arrive home from said excursion ($5,000 new wardrobe totally optional at this point), I discover (here's where Extreme Makeover: Home Edition comes in) a huge bus in front of my house.  But I don't need a McMansion to be hiding behind it.  I just need a laundry room with a) no leaking valves and b) a fully functional clothes dryer.

FREEZE.  Let's talk about laundry for a sec, shall we?

Laundry is code for "puke and poop."

There is some weird stomach thing happening in our house.  It hasn't attached everyone but it has gotten the same person twice, but not two days in a row:
Poor crazy little thing!  She's so much like her mama.  She looks fine.  She acts fine.  And suddenly she's barfing.  So there's barf laundry.

And then this even littler thing is sick for the very first time:
And guess what?  She's still in diapers.  CLOTH diapers.  Because of course our emergency stash of disposables justjustjust ran out.  So we have diarrhea laundry (I should probably think of some hilarious euphemism for that word....).    

Add to that the leaky valve with the overflowing water-bucket that I shouldn't be lifting and the leak under the washer and the complete lack of dryer whatsoever and seriously you guys?  Insanely expensive WEEK at a spa followed by insta-renovation of our laundry room are the only solutions I can think of.  I have no other thoughts.  My thoughts are limited to these two things only.  Full stop.

Okay, enough whining and complaing from me.  By two big girls have just made quesadillas for lunch for all of us.  They've vacuumed the whole house.  They are so helpful and I really don't know what I'd do without them.

Something fun.  Something funny.  Must share something fun and funny....

Oh, this isn't funny, but it is fun because woo hoo!  Maternity jeans that I don't hate yet!

My friend Sarah recommended the Gap Always Skinny maternity jeans, but when I found them, I also found that they cost....$69.95.  Ain't nobody got cash fo' dat!

But then my other dear friend Ebay came through and I snagged me a pair for $23.  You know das right!

Clearly I am no model and obvi I tried to take these myself with the camera propped on a bib propped on the table.  But they are not trumpy-dumpy and they are comfortable and so far they have not fallen down my poor flat butt.  Win!

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 222)

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  1. why, why, WHY? Why do the pants always be falling off of the butt?! It's like designers don't know how to make clothing for people. "Hey, that mannequin looks great in those pants!" This is my forever beef with pants. Always. Falling. Off. Even if I buy them a size too small. GAH! Okay, sorry for the rant and if I ever need maternity jeans again I will be looking for these. :) Also: cute pictures and sorry the littles are sick. That is no fun. Also: You can bring laundry over here if you like/if it gets too difficult for you to do at home.

  2. The jeans look good! Also, you picked 2 TV shows that have wrapped up for good :( I have always wanted to go on either of those! (I did volunteer with Extreme Makeover: Home Edition once, but that's not quite the same...) Sorry about all the bodily fluids in your house.

    1. Hah! That shows how much tv I've watched in the last 3 years!

  3. Wish O wish that I could send a laundry fairy to your house. Also, now I think of you every time I put on jeans because I ordered new pairs off of Twice. This post only cements that.

    1. Oh, did you order from them? I am in love with the stuff I got from them. IN LOVE! Might have to do What I Wore Sunday posts again just so I can talk cheap designer clothes.

    2. I lovelovelooooove them. I was bemoaning the fact that I really shouldn't get jeans...and then there was Twice. I DIDN'T realize that they worked a little referral deal. I really should call them and ask them to throw the kicker to you. Awesome sauce.

    3. Oh my gosh, don't EVEN worry about that. I recommended them because their site and their stuff was so great! I just likes to help folks out and junk :)

  4. Gap maternity jeans/shorts are the best, most comfortable there are!

  5. I have not butt either. Even during pregnancy when EVERYTHING decides to expand, still no butt. Oh well.

  6. Ok! I should just send you my maternity jeans... I can't wear maternity pants anymore because I always have to wear compression hose too. It's so hot I can't breathe with pants too, plus it makes the slide of the bun problem totally ridiculous. LEt me know if you need another pair. My are straight leg gap jeans, medium. So they aren't the cool super skinny but they kind of cool straight . Dark denim.

    1. PS. Sorry about the lack of editing... Also I am sorry about the vomit thing and big D problem. It's why I can't quite get behind cloth diapers. My husband would have a coronary he found those in the laundry room.

  7. I have dreams about a crew of muscle-y guys pulling up in front of my house with a pick up truck full of free supplies for: 1) Re-siding our house 2) Renovating our bedroom (beautiful new laminate floors! New non-textured ceilings! A lovely light fixture instead of the ugly strip of track lights! Built in bookshelves!) 3) Bumping out our kitchen about 6 feet so more than two people can cook and move and open the refrigerator 4)and yes, making me a new laundry room!

    But, since this isn't going to happen any time soon, I will apply my energy to praying for your sick little girls and for some disposable diapers to magically appear at your door. DON'T LIFT THAT BUCKET!

  8. Those jeans are super cute!

    Diarrhea in cloth diapers is the worst....I think it's time for another emergency sposie stash. We use cloth as well, but I did use sposies for the week or so they had rotavirus (which is awful!)

  9. Those jeans are so cute on you! I never think to check ebay for them- I'll have to remember the next time around. :) And I'm with you on What Not to Wear. I would have loved them to pick me! haha!

  10. I have the opposite problem. Bubble butt and small-ish waist. If they fit in the butt, they are huge in the waist. Fit in the waist? Too tight in the butt. First world problems....! :)

  11. We had that same lovely tummy thing after we moved to Hawaii a couple months ago, when we were all in one hotel room... with one toilet. I do not envy the diarrhea laundry you are doing right now, but if you have more than one toilet, well, there's something to cheer about! ;-)
    So glad to see you in maternity jeans!!! I'm still praying!!!

  12. I can't say I ever have trouble with my pants falling. I have quite the bubble butt to hold them up!

  13. Love the jeans! My favorite pair of maternity jeans are skinnies from H&M; you can't even tell they're maternity!

  14. After they do your laundry room, they can come fix my garbage disposal and actually put counter tops on the exposed plywood in my kitchen. Yay for fixer-uppers?

    Those jeans look great on you, I'll have to check them out because the pair I wore last pregnancy were always falling down. Constantly tugging at the jeans...argh.

    Diarrhea is the worst, in any diaper. I've yet to find a diaper, 'sposie or cloth, than can contain the really bad stuff. I did always feel like the cloth soaked it up pretty fast...although...*gag*'re right about the laundry that results. This isn't a laundry euphemism, but we call diarrhea "soupy poopy." Don't really know if that's an improvement.

  15. My butt has similar problems holding up jeans, pregnant or not. Although being pregnant exacerbates it for sure. Those jeans are cah-yoot.
    Sorry to hear about sick babies. That's always the pits to see a little one miserable. This year has been a beast with all the bugs going around, even late in the year. Hope everyone feels better soon!

  16. Gosh, I'd love to be on What Not to Wear. I need help in that department so much. Boooo!!!!

  17. I secretly consider dressing horribly for months (even though I know better) so that I get on What Not to Wear. $5000 for a wardrobe? I would TEAR New York UP.

  18. Diarrhea in cloth diaper solution - liners. Get liners. You can buy 200 or so at Walmart here for about $6, or you can grab rags you don't love anymore, cut them into strips and lay them over the diaper and throw them out at changing time.

  19. I have to say... I would kill to have your current legs and butt when I'm NOT pregnant. You're still lookin' good, so either those are miracle jeans, or you're still in great shape. (I'm inclined to think the later.) Just thought you should know.
