

Thursday, June 20, 2013

{p,h,f,r} + theme thursday

It's so....neat and great and wonderful, this community that God plopped us into.  Because there's no good reason we're here, really.  You know?  There was no job or friends and my family is a solid 2 hour drive from here.  But there has never been even a moment of doubt that this is where we are meant to be right now.  Even through struggles and uncertainty, the love and support of the friends we made so easily here has always smoothed the edges of our frustration.

Now our community has become our children's community.  Evidence: our big girls are now part of a new totally-kid-conceived project called The St. Martha's Club, which offers eight trustworthy young ladies to do chores or clean up after your party or baby sit your kids or groom your horse (oh yes.  Martyrs they are.) for a mere $5 per hour per person.  No job too small!

IT IS THE CUTEST.  We moms are trying to stay out of it aside from the driving of the bodies around.  Maybe they'll never get a single job but that's okay.  The organization and the brainstorming are all part of the awesome.  Oh, and they're putting on a food bank fundraising play: Admission = 1 can or box of nonperishable food to be donated.  Best.

Why am I telling you all this? Because today they had their first official planning meeting, which consisted of eating chocolate fudge and swimming.  Best.  Did I mention best?  Our friends are the best.

Someday he'll get mad at me for calling him pretty, but maybe he'll be a good little teenager and avoid reading anything related to his mother, which means the blog is safe forevah.  And just look at those eyelashes!

Only a big sister can get him smiling in the vat of cold, splashy water of drippiness...

This baby.  NOM THE CHUB.


Linking up today with both Cari and Auntie Leila, hittin' Theme Thursday's water theme (how convenient!) and Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real...

round button chicken

(no new news on the baby front.  Still the same, still drinking lots, taking lots of vitamins, and counting down the days 'til our specialist appointment on the 25th.  Thank you all for your continued prayers.  We are so blessed!)
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  1. Oh goodness, I would TOTALLY hire them!! I've been praying for some teenagish home schooled girls to move next door for just these reasons. Question: are moms willing to drive to New York? Don't deny them this learning opportunity, Dweej.
    Also, great have me coveting a fancy camera that can get such quick cannonball shots like that!

    1. I second that, only the moms would only have to drive them to the east side of the state. :)

    2. Thirded here! And for now I'm going with no news is good news. So glad to read this tonight. And seriously...SE Michigan St. Martha's has a nice ring to it, no? ;)

  2. We would love to have babysitters near by that we could trust! Too bad you are way up in MI

  3. YES!! I could so, so use those girls around here!

  4. So cute! I have fond memories of our Babysitters Club which was run similarly. Your kids are so beautiful. Nom all the.chub.

  5. Your community sounds totally awesome..totally!! And, that girls club is the cutest...and I could totally use some help as well!

  6. Hey! Good for your girls! We have a women's group at our parish called Martha Ministry and we take meals to sick people, host funeral receptions and other events as needed, and a subcommittee runs a weekly women's lunch group for low income, lonely or otherwise marginal women. Plus, we eat cookies at meetings and laugh at each other's jokes and family stories. It is the best, and your girls are perfect examples of the charism of St. Martha, who was the only one of Jesus' friends who scolded him. Twice!

  7. First of all, those pics are great! The face on Mary and Nora are my favorites! Especially Nora, because I'm sure that's what my face looks like when my kids cannonball with me in the pool.

    Second of all, do the parents get some sort of discount from the St. Martha club? Not sure what I need done yet beyond the normal chores, but when you put it in writing like this, I know I need me some St. Martha Club help!

    I totally agree with you about our amazing community. I think that's why we've moved to Michigan 3 times!

  8. Saying a prayer for you at this time.

  9. That club sounds awesome.

    Why is it that the boys get the good eyelashes??????

  10. Since I've been busy with the skoolz I haven't been blogging or reading any blogs... except yours... :-) Still praying for you!

  11. Dwija, what kind of camera do you have??? Amazing shots!

    1. I have an original version Canon Rebel EOS bought used off of Amazon, but I think the key to some of these is the 50mm lens combined with shooting in manual mode. Glad you enjoyed the photos!

  12. These photos are so crisp and lovely! One of these days I hope to work in manual mode half as well as you do!! BTW, continued prayers for you and the baby. xoxo

  13. I loved this post! You have such awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing them.Sharon Bush
