

Before & After Pics

If the blog is ever gettin' you down and you're imagining my deprived children rummaging through piles of rubble just to find a few measly lead paint chips to snack on, enjoy this uplifting before/after section.

There is hope!

 read more about this transformation here

Read about this transformation here

Read about this transformation here



Read about this transformation here and here


Read about this transformation here


Read more about this front door here and here 

 More about this floor here


 something about this here


 More about this hallway here



more about these three doorways here

 read more about the den/homeschool room here, here, and here


 Read more about this room here, here and here


All about these two rooms and more pics here


 Clicky click right here for more scary bathroom befores and soothing afters

More to follow soon (I hope!)


  1. What the heck happened to Tommy's t-shirt in the kitchen before photos???

  2. Hah! That has been the subject of much discussion and hilarity over the last few months. When I posted it on facebook, everyone was like "yeah, your kitchen looked like a meth den, but more importantly....WHAT HAPPENED TO TOMMY'S SHIRT?!?!?".

  3. OK. We're living the same life. Almost. haha. Seriously though- we bought a fixer-upper in small town Minnesota after living in the suburbs our whole lives. I think we had the same 'before' kitchen floor (excpet mine is still a before, ugh.)

  4. I love your home. I am in awe of your courage. God bless you as you devote your life to the things that truly matter!

  5. As your newest follower (I think, anyway,) I MUST agree! (With the last comment.) Your home radiates warmth and welcome-through your pictures alone-as does your incredible talent for writing!!! I am truly a devoted follower and... heaven forbid anyone who knows I follow their blog sees this... I can guarantee yours will end up being the blog I will be hitting first on my nightly rounds! =D There! The cat's out of the bag! ;D
    Thank you so much for sharing, really. You have inspired me beyond what normal, healthy-sounding people usually disclose to one another when they first meet (i.e., "Wow, person-I-just-met, you have inspired me in so many ways, beyond what I ever expected!") ...Unless you were to say it to someone whose self-improvement seminar you've just attended... But otherwise it just sounds kind of overly gushy. :) Even considering the beauty of blogonymity. (Yes I just made up that word, but no, I don't know if someone else out there already has. Yeah, they probably have.) But, I wouldn't have gone into such a painfully detailed diatribe if it weren't absolutely true! So, again, and in conclusion, =) thank you!!!

  6. Can I just add a quick little comment to show I can give a quick little comment? ;D I swear it didn't look that long in the box.

  7. amazing transformations!! wtg, looks like all your hard work paid off!

  8. How you didn't kill someone (accidentally or on purpose) is a miracle. This is amazing to me. Seriously, my husband and I can barely change a light bulb (no really - we set the ceiling on fire once). Fantastic and inspiring!

  9. Wow! that was a lot of work. Hope you have been happy with your move overall. We are planning the opposite move someday soon ...

  10. Thank you so much, Megan. Yes, the move has been amazing! This state is just so gorgeous and affordable and family friendly :)

  11. Ok, I'm pretty sure they filmed "Twin Peaks" in some of the rooms of your house. What was up with the bleak black paneling/red carpet/scary red fabric tacked up over the windows? Yikes.

  12. Your natural wood colored crib is just like Mac's from 15 years ago. Awww...

  13. Wow! What a transformation! Thanks for sharing the pictures. It looks great now!


  14. Great job! The transformation is astounding. You guys have skills!

  15. It has got to feel good to look back and see how far you have come!

  16. Wow!! You are awesome! Love the blog!! :)

  17. I've heard you can buy a perfectly good house in MI for $25,000 - tempted!

  18. Very nice!! I love how your son is standing in the kitchen in the same spot (and your daughter in nearly the same spot) for one of those before and afters. Very cute!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  19. Just perused all of your before-after pictures. A-mazing! And yes, we ARE wood paneling twins- identical twins! Loved that red carpet!

  20. House unseen ... ack, seriously, you may never meet my husband evah. He is not to be given any ideas whatsoever!

  21. But WHY would you give up that red carpet?? I mean it would hide all the blood perfectly. (You should have at least waited until after the homebirth ;) Seriously, love all the guys have certainly been busy!

  22. Everything looks so good!! That red carpet freaks me out!! Your room is so relaxing now!

  23. **knock knock knock**

    "Honey, get the door. The previous owners are back again trying to make an offer. I'm going to set the goats on 'em this time."

  24. Love the mouse video. Re-tweeted it to a few friends...

  25. Okay, I REALLY needed to see these pictures of your house transformation 1:30 am when I should REALLY be sleeping because hubby works all day tomorrow and my boys are hell raisers. But seriously, I needed to see these pictures. My husband and I live in Texas and were currently trying to find our little piece of land with a house on it....what we can afford can be pretty depressing at times. They pretty much look like your before photos. It's wonderful to see what can be done to those old homes...there is hope! Thank you!

    P.S. found you through Sarah's blog at amongstlovelythings

  26. How long have I been reading here and loving your family, and I never clicked on this? FANTASTIC! What a treat to see. You guys are amazing.

  27. Wow! Amazing transformations!
