Sunday, November 29, 2015

Stairwell and hallway project: before pics

You know how everything looks truly terrible right before it starts looking great?  I remember on the day of my prom, I looked HORRIBLE right before I really started getting ready.  Because it's not like you get ready first in the morning and then get ready again at night, know what I'm sayin'?  Okay, well *I* didn't do that sort of thing because Kurt Cobain and flannel.

Okay.  What?

Things looking terrible, yes.  So my house is actually not horrible, but I like to start projects and then take pictures of the shambles I've created and call them before pics so you think "why did she buy such a horrible house?  It's weird!  But dang that after picture is the bomb."  Yes, you still say "the bomb."  It's cool.

 Right now I'd prefer to be switching the kids' rooms around to make a big girls' room and a small boys' room but due to circumstances beyond my control (where in the sam heck is the hardware to re-bunk those bunk beds?  PROJECT ON INFINITE PAUSE. HOLD ME, JESUS.) but since I can't I decided to tackle the stairwell and hallway that leads from the downstairs to said bedrooms.

It's a wreck up there right now, y'all.  Wanna see some before pics?

These are two that I snatched off the Zillow real estate listing listing:


The stairwell hallway (not sure what to call it) if you have your back to the upstairs bedrooms...

Wait, I never showed you the LIVING ROOM did I?  I'm so behind!  We'll get to that, we'll get to that.  Focus.

Anyway, lemme just talk about the situation here for a minute. 
1) blue carpet 
2) green walls
3) orangey toned wood covered with paint splatters but not actually painted 
4) weird pointy things on the top and bottom of the window trim.  Is that the Vulcan of the window world or something?  Why?
5) crooked horizontal blinds.  Not an architectural detail but I'm just questioning the lack of time to fix that before snapping this shot.  Not that I'm complaining!  This sort of thing probably prevented a good many people from coming and seeing this paradisaical property so we totally lucked out but still.  Still.

So!  The carpet has to stay.  Despite its color, it is brand new and I have no idea what's happening underneath there which is Czech for "mo' money, mo' problems."  That leaves us with the walls, the wood and the window to tackle.  This post brought to you by the letter W.

Now here are the ones I took right before we moved in:
so many different wood shades, so much head spinning...

the built-ins: so useful, so ugly

Oh that poor light fixture.  I want to love it because it's all old and stuff but I really can't.  It's just so ugly and covered in paint splatters.  I'll see if I can get a better shot.

Preeeeeeeeeetty sure that's gonna need to go bye bye.

Also, let's meditate for a minute on the installation of the (also paint splattered) hand rail...
I've fixed a lotta funky stuff, but I'm not even sure what is happening here, so...? #prayforme

Okay!  Now for the mess I've created!
primer juuuuuuuuust starting to go on the cabinets

T removing the pointy things of questionableness.  This is when it started getting REALLY ugly up there.
You can see the half way in the foreground with primer on it (exciting!) and if you want to see a couple more detail shots, including one of what that wallpaper looks like under those triangles, you can hop over to the Instagram and take a gander.

Whew.  I'm excited to get this finished and my kids are probs pretty excited to not have to tiptoe around drop cloths to get towels out of the linen closet.  Bless them, bless them.


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  1. That door at the bottom of the steps! Tell me it's going away?!

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  2. That door at the bottom of the steps! Tell me it's going away?!

    1. yaaaaaaaas, it's like a portal to terror the way it hangs 6 inches off the floor level. Make it stop! (though if it keeps some semblance of silence between adults having quiet downstairs time and kids, then...I guess terror portal or not, it must stay)

  3. Yay! I love before and afters! I can't wait to see the new wall color!

  4. I really can't believe how much you get accomplished while pregnant. I mean, I know you are feeling better, but wow. I am excited to see the finished product! That wood was ril ril ugly. And I normally like wood.

  5. Ah, so so much potential! Can't wait to see, it's gonna look fab-u-lous!! (Also, I kinda like the quirkiness of the door at the bottom of the steps! :)

  6. It is going to look fantastic! I like the door at the bottom of the stairwell, too. But I grew up in an older house with a door at the bottom of the stairwell, and our first home as a married couple was a hundred year old farmhouse with a door at the bottom of the stairwell. I guess it just seems normal to me! :)

  7. I still vote for making that door at the bottom of the staircase a Dutch door, which would make an awesome baby gate.

  8. I live in a fixer-upper as well so I love posts like this. We're working on our stairwell too! And yes, we have different shades of wood everywhere--must be an 80's thing???? I will be checking to see the "after!"

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  10. Please spill your secrets lady: how do you keep your house from turning into a disaster when you DIY. I have 3 littles 5,4+1 yoa and if I neglect the house for just half a day to do some project they turn the place into a disaster zone that I struggle to get together. So I've resorted to cleaning first but then my projects never get done. And the youngest won't leave me alone so things take so much longer to do. Just yesterday it took me a whole day to sew ties onto my blinds cause I work for 5minutes+then somebody needs (or destroys) something. I feel so frustrated. Like I'm never going to finish anything at the rate I'm going. Please any advice will be much appreciated. I can't work in the evenings much cause I'm usually exhausted +passed out shortly after the kids' bedtime. Our house is a disaster. Literally. It was just the shell of an old farmhouse when we moved in so I really need to make progress for sanity sake. Thanks in advance

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