Sunday, January 08, 2017

This book I'm reading

Howdy! I'm glad you're here.  
This post probably contains run-on sentences, sentence fragments, 
affiliate links, and unnecessary ellipses.  If none of that bothers you, let's be friends.

 I promised myself I would keep blogging even if I didn't have anything interesting enough to say, but then...I couldn't think of anything interesting enough to say.

Womp womp.

Two minutes I picked up my phone to instagram the book I'm reading and I was like "okay, I can just blog this!  I can just do it as if it's my blog and I can just post whatever lame thing I want!"

 A bit before Christmas I asked for book recommendations for my well-read 15 year old and In this House of Brede by Rumer Godden was one of the suggestions.

This book is basically 500 pages long and she read the entire thing in two days while still keeping up with all her other things.  She. Loved. It. That. Much.  So I knew I had to read it, too.  I'm only about 90 pages in and gosh it's just so dang beautiful.  Every other page is a sentence or passage I want to read out loud to you.

If you like books about people, books that help you understand the complicated mess that is humanity and relationship, I think you will love this book.  Kind of like Chaim Potok's The Chosen, except about cloistered nuns instead of orthodox Jews....?  Okay, Imma stop there since, like I said, I'm only 90 pages in and I probably shouldn't be posting about a book I haven't finished reading, but it's a new day friends, where I post random things on my blog without thinking too hard about them.  Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

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  1. Lovely review - you just persuaded me to order this in from the library. Any book you could compare with The Chosen sounds promising! : )

  2. This is on so many recommended read lists...but I've been intimidated. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  3. I love this book. Read it 30+ years ago. Unfortunately, my copy disappeared and it is not available that i can find.

    1. If you click the name of the book, you can buy it on Amazon! That's where I got ours at least :)

  4. I love this book. Read it 30+ years ago. Unfortunately, my copy disappeared and it is not available that i can find.

  5. I love that book! I read it in a Catholic literature course (best class ever) in college and reread it a few years ago. Soooooo good!!

  6. I haven't heard that title in a very long time. Was just looking for something for myself. Thank you for the suggestion!

  7. Hmmmmm....this has piqued my interest! I may just have to check this one out! But at 500 pages, I may have to save this for the summer.

  8. I have been googled "good books" looking for recs...and have been disappointed. Your "post about nothing" saved the day! Thanks.

  9. This is on my list (and has been for book list go) but it just bumped up a few notches! I didn't see your request for recommendations but has she read All the Light we Cannot See? LOVE. THAT. BOOK.

  10. Yessss this book is wonderful!! And you will probably not put it down and be able to blog about finishing the whole thing tomorrow!

  11. Is this the first book you've read by Rumer Godden?

    It is really great. My grandmother recommended it to me shortly after it was published. I've read it at least 3 times and we had a great discussion about it in our Catholic women's book club.


  12. I JUST read this last week and I feel like part of me is still wandering around in Brede. So different, so good!

  13. It really is a beautiful book. I'm very fond of Rumer Godden. Hope you enjoy the rest of it, Dwija!

  14. You had me at Chaim Potok, one of my favorite authors!

  15. See? Just keep blogging! It's all good stuff!

    And I'm totally getting this book, because you've never led me wrong.

  16. I loved the movie with Dianna Rigg.

  17. Such a good book! This was my first experience of her and I was just smitten!

  18. I adore it, too! Although: without providing any spoilers, I will mention that there is a searing grief in it, so it is maybe not for a very sensitive time...

    1. Dixie! If you're the one in FroRo, I'm so glad to see you here and wish I saw more of you in person! If not, well, I like the way you write. :-)

  19. So glad you're reading this! I loved it too. It inspired me to pray the Divine Office more. :)

  20. Thank you for this. I'm going to get the book. :)

  21. Can't wait to check out this book. Glad you're blogging again. I enjoy your posts! :)

  22. Love this book! I read it for the 1st time when I was around 20. I can look back now (and that's a long way back) and say it was a life changing book for me. I think some part of me has never left Brede...

  23. I love this book too! I did NOT expect to love it when I picked it up. She gets the human experience SO WELL. Also, a gentle recommendation to prepare your mama heart to read a description of a tragic event. ❤️

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  25. I remember in 2023, my credit score was terrible, I had so many collection accounts and would not approve of anything. I had rental debt, charge offs, student loans, tax liens from my credit report. I was then introduced to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION by Michael Wayne who is my attorney. I immediately contacted them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / +1 713 396 5299. Within 9 days my credit score went up from 571 to 801 across the 3 credit bureaus and I’ve been able to get a home loan and eligible for several credit cards. I will always recommend DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION to anyone who desires to have a better credit life. Cheers!

  26. Hi all! I’m 29 years old. My credit started to tank around 2021 when expenses were outpacing my income. I got a lot of loan offers and foolishly took them, adding more expenses to my income. Didn’t help that I was in a relationship with someone who I greatly outnumbered and took on the burden of the bills to seem fair. Won’t be doing that again. I had a lot of collections and charge-offs from personal loans and CCs. From looking at my Experian I had several charge-offs that became collections and few that didn’t. Which all brought down my credit score to a low 586 score. I needed advice on rebuilding my score back to 700s. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative entries removed; charge-ffs and collections wiped out. Now: Jan 2024 my score is Equifax 801| TransUnion 808| Experian 811. Yes, it feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. My goal is to also obtain higher limits 5K-10K on CC which has finally been achieved. I’m happy to have come across DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION here, you can contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM Or text 1+ (713) 396 5299.

  27. I had a $400 fresh account with Fingerhut, after realizing the amount of interest they were charging me (I didn’t know about credit at the time), I decided to close the account. I called the customer service phone number and requested the representative to close the account. Monday, January 8, 2024, I decided to check my credit report and noticed it has been open since 2020. Called the Fingerhut collection department regarding the account. How is it currently reporting open if I closed it in 2016? There’s a remaining balance of $495. My credit score was 502. I felt horrible and embarrassed. But my friend James introduced me to DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION, a credit repair company and they helped me to raise my credit score to 810 excellent standard and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 8 days. He also helped me increase my credit card limit to $15,000 and placed some good tradelines on my report. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION is the best amongst all, and his service is fast, secured and reliable without stress. Contact him by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / +1 (713) 396 5299, for any kind of credit repair. They’re swift in responding to any question.

  28. Hi everyone, all thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Been a long time lucker and finally gotten to where I can come to terms with my credit situation, and they’ll fix it for me. Went through a divorce and then the pandemic was rough. My score was: EQ: 516, TU: 513, EX 539 FICO 8, Inquiries: EQ2, TU:5, There was an inquiry on my TU that I don’t recognize from synchrony financial that I was asking to have removed. While in the process of beginning to tackle debt, the transmission in my car went out. I went without a car for as long as possible, before financing a car. I was able to employ PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who helped me increase my scores to EQ: 802, TU: 807, EX: 811 excellent score within 9 days. He also paid all the debt on my credit report. I really appreciate the help, this is my first post, and I apologize for the wall of text. My goal is to solidify my relationship with NFCU which has been achieved and I’m now qualified for a mortgage. Contact him now by email: / Text him +1 (409) 231-0041.

  29. After my marriage 3 months ago, I applied for a home loan, so that my wife and I could move to a better apartment, but I got a negative reply, which I was told was because of my credit score. When I pulled my score, it was below average. I have a $10,000 student loan, some credit card debt, charge-off and an eviction. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me erase all the above negative reports and boosted my score to excellent within 6 days. I’m recommending them to any person in need of credit assistance. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR their mobile: +1 (409) 231-0041.

  30. I wanted to purchase a car months ago, but I wasn’t approved for a loan, I needed a score of at least 700 to be approved for the loan, but my score was at 529. I had many hard inquiries, collections, late payments, unpaid debts and eviction. I contacted this life saver called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST; they helped me wipe all the negative items and raised my score to 811 across the three credit bureaus. It’s been 2 weeks now and nothing is coming back. Call their number +1 (409) 231-0041. Or text them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  31. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST remains the best credit expertise I have known. I had a mortgage loan on my credit report and 4 CC and AAoA 7.5yrs. I filed bankruptcy 5 years ago and settled with all of these. My credit score was EX-541, TU-564, EQ-591. My attention was called that they are still on my reports I recently got referred by my wife to hire PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST which I did, and he helped me fix my credit and increase my credit score to EQ-808, EX-802, TU-805. I recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone that needs to fix his/her credit to go through with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041. He is just the best. Kudos to the entire team.

  32. Yes, it feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for bringing me out of bad credit report that made my life miserable, I had 2 months late actually, I missed the 3/20 payment entirely, and paid the 4/20 payment on 4/27, after the late hit my credit report. I woke up that morning and it had dropped-100 points. I needed to get rid of it from my report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative entries removed, student loan, charge offs, collections wiped out including late payments were all marked as paid on time. My score is now 804. I’m happy to have read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, you can contact him today via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Text (409) 231-0041. They’re the best as far as credit repair is concerned.

  33. Hi there, everyone, I’m John, please to meet you all. I work as a security with a fair rent since I live with a family who doesn’t want me to live alone and have a good paying job. My goal is to build a good credit score to get a good credit card. In April I had 140 dollars or so collections from a gym saying I never canceled my membership. I wasn’t getting charged the monthly fee for it. So, I randomly go on credit karma and see the collections. Few days after I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they increased my score to 809 and improved my credit profile by removing the collections, charge off and late payments. I just saw today it says no more derogatory on my credit Karma. My score went up. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call 409 231 0041. Honestly, I do not enjoy writing much, but I have let the world know about this genius that helped me.

  34. There was a time, I was a credit disaster, I knew absolutely nothing about how credit works. I’d pay bills late thinking paying late was better than not paying at all. To be honest, I didn’t even know negatives lasted on your reports for 7 years. Why did I pay late? Because at the time, I’d think I needed to buy something shiney and then pay bills. To further my reckless behaviors, I had my house foreclosed on. To be honest, I don’t know why I checked my credit, which ultimately led me to this site where I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, but I’m glad I did, reading as much testimonies as I could. My starting score was (low 500’s). All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, as of today, I’m sitting at EX: 808, TU: 812 and my lowest is EQ: 801. If I can offer one piece of advice that helped me, I’ll advise you to contact PINNACLE by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. The first time I’m seeing my scores reach the 800 mark, that feeling is right up there with having my first child, marriage.

  35. Truly Genius Hackers exist, I want to introduce PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to everyone out there for you to get your credit fixed. He’s very kind, he helped me raise my FICO score to 800+ excellent score and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items, collections with the late payments as well. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best when it comes to credit repair. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041

  36. Okay, I’m 32 (female). I was supposed to be living a good decent life at this point, but I was depressed and was at my lowest. I lost my job in late 2022, and I had no plan, no savings, no emergency funds, full of debt and just made some of the worst finance choices in history. During this time, we got laid off, my car engine gave out and I had no means of transportation to get to a job. I was renting a room at the time, and I eventually had to move out because I couldn’t cover the rent. I was living in a small town up north in Michigan (NOTHING’S THERE), the plan was to stay there and save money, but I didn’t do what I was supposed to financially and ended up stuck there with nothing. I defaulted on all my credit cards and loans. My credit became a disaster. I couldn’t finance a car or rent an apartment. Last year, I was working at a bakery and was renting a room for $200 a month. The bakery started cutting my hours and then eventually they just laid us all and shut down. A whole year went by and literally I made no progress. This year 2024, I moved to Columbus, OH and I think I’m having a beautiful year. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I finally got my credit fixed through the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who gave me a whooping score of EX 811, TU 801, EQ 809 and gave me a fulfilled life here in Columbus OH. I’ve been approved of a house and a car. He’s an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR call +1 (409) 231-0041. I am currently doing a Spark Delivery and DoorDash.

  37. Hi, my name is Michelle Martz. My credit was deeply in mess. I saw a few people praising PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as the credit doctor. So, I got in touch with him and hint me some details which increased my credit score by 215 points within 6 days. I also had some late mortgage payments, medical bills, one late credit card payment and some inquiries which have been wiped out. Hit him up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (409) 231-0041. DON’T FAIL TO LET HIM KNOW I REFERRED YOU.


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