Friday, January 06, 2017

Small Bedroom Before/After

Howdy! I'm glad you're here.  
This post probably contains run-on sentences, sentence fragments, 
affiliate links, and unnecessary ellipses.  If none of that bothers you, let's be friends.

The last day of my 12 day posting streak has arrived!  Since it has literally been a year this month since I finished sprucing it up, I felt like it was juuuuuuust about time I did a before/after of the small bedroom upstairs, which the two boys currently share, even though I haven't managed to get good pictures of it Blog Reveal Clean.  If it hasn't happened yet, I guess it's never gonna happen, huh?  So you're gonna get photos of unmade beds and clothes spilling out of bins.  It hurts a little, I'll be honest.

It is a tiny room, but it's cozy and loved by all despite (because of?) its quirkiness.

Here is the photo that was in the original real estate listing we saw for the house.  The wide-angle lens makes you think it's some kind of normal size but really, no.  It is itty bitty. 

that's a twin sized bed there on the right

Here's what the wall color looked like in beautiful light with a fancy camera...

But really it had a more orange-y, southwestern flare (to match those 80s light fixtures on either side of the window maybe?), which you can see better here.
The trim and door had already blessedly been painted white, so all I had to do was to slap up some wall paint, change the wall light fixtures, switch to a smaller ceiling fan, and put up some drapes.  Et voila!

crib on the left, bunkbeds on the right

(our master bedroom is the only one with an actual closet.  The kids' rooms both have these open bars + shelves happening.  Probably something to do with making them official bedrooms for real estate purposes or something?)

All these pictures with messy beds and stuff shoved in corners are a definite exercise in humility.  We just can't seen to manage to get better than this these days! I just wanted to show you how these super short bunkbeds are PERFECT for these low ceilings.)

And around the circle back to the crib corner

Paint: Dutch Boy Dura Clean in Greyed Aqua
Wall light fixtures: Home Depot
Black-out curtains: Wal Mart
Short blade ceiling fan: Menards
Hipster Fox Print: Honeychild Forest
Shorty Bunk Beds: Wal Mart 

 Now my favorite part, when I show the same photos again!





Posting for the 12 days of Christmas...
12 in 2016 (a photo year in review)
Stuff That Makes My Life Better
Where did all these children come from?!?!
Homeschooling High School
I Dream of Houses
Dollah Dolla Billz
Wood Shed, Wood Box, Wood Stove: heating with wood in Michigan
Tiny everyday, every day, miracles
House Fixin'
Kids and chores and motivation, oh my

Pin It


  1. Oh how I've missed your blog - I hope you keep posting even though the twelve days are up!!

  2. Where did the super short bunk beds come from? I have small bedrooms and the regular bunks seem to take it over!

    1. Oh, I meant to link those too! I'm going to add them in the post (Wal Mart)

  3. That is just crazy how the wide angle lens makes it look huge! I love the new color!

  4. I agree with Rosie, I just like to read your stuff dwija. Don't leave us!!!!

  5. Will you put Helen in that crib and have a mixed-gender room for a while? Great color choice and drapes in the room. I would probably not have thought about putting in a smaller ceiling fan--good call.

    Do you want more questions? :)


    1. I think eventually, yes. For a while Paul, Ceci, and Mary shared a room until JC and Paul could move in together. Now it's set up with 2 beds and a crib anyway, so we might as well use them!

      Yes pleeeeeeeeeease more questions would be awesome :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  14. Hi, I’m Darren. This is not a drill; there is a group of hackers called DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION that can help sort all your credit issues. A high FICO score is very important and this company to the best of my knowledge understands how to make it happen, how do they do it? I don’t know but honestly, they did a great job of getting my credit score up to 806 excellent score. Not just that they also removed negative items on it and wrote some very positive ones. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION has done it for me and I want the word to know about them. Contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / TEXT +1 (713) 396-5299. Ciao!

  15. Some FICO hackers will delay you; some will scam you, but here is how I got my FICO score to 805 excellent score from as low 500, due to my diabetic condition I got a setback on my payments owing to medical bills, my world started falling apart because I wanted to rent a home and take some loans but couldn’t. I kept looking for someone who could help me fix my credit to no avail, until October last year when I met DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION through a friend whom they had worked for. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION boosted my credit in 6 days and restored my dignity. I was able to purchase a home. You can contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM OR Call +1 (713) 396-5299. Only DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION can do it for you.

  16. Hi all! I’m 29 years old. My credit started to tank around 2021 when expenses were outpacing my income. I got a lot of loan offers and foolishly took them, adding more expenses to my income. Didn’t help that I was in a relationship with someone who I greatly outnumbered and took on the burden of the bills to seem fair. Won’t be doing that again. I had a lot of collections and charge-offs from personal loans and CCs. From looking at my Experian I had several charge-offs that became collections and few that didn’t. Which all brought down my credit score to a low 586 score. I needed advice on rebuilding my score back to 700s. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative entries removed; charge-ffs and collections wiped out. Now: Jan 2024 my score is Equifax 801| TransUnion 808| Experian 811. Yes, it feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION for bringing me out of a bad credit report that made my life miserable. My goal is to also obtain higher limits 5K-10K on CC which has finally been achieved. I’m happy to have come across DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION here, you can contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM Or text 1+ (713) 396 5299.

  17. In Oct-Nov I rented a storage unit from public storage with the intention of it being held for a month. In December I left for vacation. The situation changed during that time so I would need it for 3-4 months. My business partner assumed I had payments handled, I assumed it was handled or on autopay and everyone just forgot about this unit that I stupidly opened under my personal name. Account was never placed on autopay; the rep opened the account and put the wrong phone number when we signed up and all emails ended up in our assistant’s spam box. Long story short, the unit was auctioned and a couple hundred dollars’ worth of debt in fees etc. were accumulated besides the 2 months that were not paid. Public storage sold the debt to a collection agency (Allied Interstate) who told me I had until 2/14 to respond to DV. This situation caused damage to my score. My Fico 8’s was in the mid-500's and I do have some baddies (90 days on multiple student loans from 2018/2019) and a couple of charge offs from that same period but I don’t have any collection accounts. It’s been years since I’ve made a careless mistake like this, and I was really looking forward to getting my credit back to standard. I decided to go through online and luckily for me I came across DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. I have no other option than to give him a try, he told me he’ll fix my credit report within 8 days. He succeeded in raising my score to 811 excellent score and he also helped me delete negative items impacting my credit report. DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION is the best and swift. Contact him by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / +1 713 396 5299.

  18. Hello! I’m Grace, my experience working with DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION has been outstanding. I was at 561 Equifax, 563 TransUnion. I had 1 collection a year 2 months with a balance of 585, 2 charge offs one at BOA CC at $1,228 closed June 22 was still being reported as of 01/24, SYNCB/PP at $1534 closed on 07/22 last reported Dec 23. I was depressed, my mom had cancer, but I recently graduated college and just found a decent paying job. Didn’t know what step to take to get my credit back on track. I was introduced by my realtor agent Daniel. I must confess I had a bad experience in the past with different agencies trying to clear my credit. I have gained good credit ever since I started working with DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION. My credit score has been raised to 808 Experian, 801 Equifax and 806 TransUnion within 8 days. Thanks to my realtor Daniel for recommending DOVLY CREDIT SOLUTION to me. Contact them by email: DOVLYCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM / Phone +1 (713) 396-5299.

  19. I was lucky to find PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and they raised my credit from 580 to 801. Also, my parents have no established credit reporting. They went bankrupt like 15 years back. I started planning to help them rebuild their credit. Made them credit karma accounts, my dad’s was not reporting anything on TU but Equifax was showing 563, Experian 549 with one closed account, JCPenny from 1995. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for the help, he also helped my parents raise their credit score to over 240 points and he made sure he deleted all negative items on their credit profile. I now have 100k in credit limit and plenty of massive cards that I now use very carefully, don’t miss payment. My parents are now financially safe. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for your help! Here is his contact info: / +1 (409) 231 0041.

  20. Today I called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and asked to have my BK7 removed from my CR, and they did. It was scheduled to fall off next year. So that’s that. A horrible chapter in my life but I’ve come out on top. So much wiser, better prepared for the future, and peace of mind where finances are concerned. Thanks to this forum and the good folks that spend their time here to share their experience and share the knowledge they got from PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for all your assistance, guidance and cheerleading. Especially in the early days of my rebuild. With my scores now in the 800’s I’m tempted to app just to know I’d likely be approved, but there’s nothing I need right now. A sincere thanks to all of you! Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

  21. Love PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and I’m grateful for their services and the incredible knowledge base here. My credit score has gone from 490 (2/2024) to 809 across the three credit bureaus on a clean scorecard, with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I’ve been approved of loan, got my car and most especially got myself together. I strongly recommend him for your fix. Reach him via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or text +1 (409) 231-0041. Mention to their team that you read a good review of an expert job done for Peggy.

  22. After my marriage 3 months ago, I applied for a home loan, so that my wife and I could move to a better apartment, but I got a negative reply, which I was told was because of my credit score. When I pulled my score, it was below average. I have a $10,000 student loan, some credit card debt, charge-off and an eviction. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me erase all the above negative reports and boosted my score to excellent within 6 days. I’m recommending them to any person in need of credit assistance. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR their mobile: +1 (409) 231-0041.

  23. I wanted to purchase a car months ago, but I wasn’t approved for a loan, I needed a score of at least 700 to be approved for the loan, but my score was at 529. I had many hard inquiries, collections, late payments, unpaid debts and eviction. I contacted this life saver called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST; they helped me wipe all the negative items and raised my score to 811 across the three credit bureaus. It’s been 2 weeks now and nothing is coming back. Call their number +1 (409) 231-0041. Or text them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  24. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST remains the best credit expertise I have known. I had a mortgage loan on my credit report and 4 CC and AAoA 7.5yrs. I filed bankruptcy 5 years ago and settled with all of these. My credit score was EX-541, TU-564, EQ-591. My attention was called that they are still on my reports I recently got referred by my wife to hire PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST which I did, and he helped me fix my credit and increase my credit score to EQ-808, EX-802, TU-805. I recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone that needs to fix his/her credit to go through with PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041. He is just the best. Kudos to the entire team.

  25. Yes, it feels good to have a worthy credit profile. I want to use this time to appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for bringing me out of bad credit report that made my life miserable, I had 2 months late actually, I missed the 3/20 payment entirely, and paid the 4/20 payment on 4/27, after the late hit my credit report. I woke up that morning and it had dropped-100 points. I needed to get rid of it from my report. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST came through for me, my credit report cleaned up with all negative entries removed, student loan, charge offs, collections wiped out including late payments were all marked as paid on time. My score is now 804. I’m happy to have read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST here, you can contact him today via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Text (409) 231-0041. They’re the best as far as credit repair is concerned.

  26. Hi all! First things first this forum has been nothing short of amazing to find! Had gotten serious about rebuilding my credit and getting it back on track the last couple of months. I am going to have to relocate for work in October so I want to make sure I have a credit score that meets minimums to be qualified for a mortgage. My loan officer has told me I need a minimum of a 580 but Ideally at least a 620 to have a better DTI ratio. Last month I had 10 collection accounts that were with the following collection agencies, showing on my credit report: Portfolio Recovery Associates – 4 Accounts, Midland Credit Management – 3 Accounts, Unifund – 1 Account, LVNV – 2 Accounts. My FICO SCORE 5,4 & 2 last month when I refreshed my report were Equifax: 510/Experian: 585/TransUnion: 505. Over the month my best friend Andre introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, a credit repair specialist and they helped me raise My FICO Score to an excellent score, deleted all collection accounts on my credit report. Furthermore, they helped me post some good tradelines on my credit profile which helped boost my scores more effectively. I really like the service. They are easy to talk to and super legit. I hope this will help those who need credit repair. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or +1 (409) 231-0041. Remember to let them know I referred you. Cheers!

  27. I read something about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST that he fixed and repaired credit reports. I had Chapter 7 BK, 1 auto loan with Wells Fargo. My scores were 560, 563 and 552. I got in touch with him, and he started the repair which took him 9 days. He proved me wrong by sending me a link to confirm his work done and I must confirm it myself on Experian and Credit Karma. I got a congratulatory email from Experian that my score went up. My scores boost up to 811, 809, 802, all my scores are above 800’s. He also helped me apply for a credit card with high limits with several banks. I’m so happy and can’t thank him enough for the life changing results. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text +1 (409) 231-0041.

  28. I just want to share how I became a homeowner with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for fixing my credit report. The negative items on my credit report deprived me of so many opportunities alongside 5 derogatory and 2 collections which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to EQ: 547, TU 564, EX 521. After my mom told me about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, I reached out to them immediately and complied with their proposal. After five days he helped me boost my credit score to EQ: 809, TU 801, EX 811 excellent standard and he also deleted all negative collections and derogatory ones on my credit report. These finally got me a mortgage for my new house and credit cards. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

  29. Truly Genius Hackers exist, I want to introduce PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to everyone out there for you to get your credit fixed. He’s very kind, he helped me raise my FICO score to 800+ excellent score and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items, collections with the late payments as well. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is the best when it comes to credit repair. Contact him now by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041

  30. Hi, my name is Michelle Martz. My credit was deeply in mess. I saw a few people praising PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST as the credit doctor. So, I got in touch with him and hint me some details which increased my credit score by 215 points within 6 days. I also had some late mortgage payments, medical bills, one late credit card payment and some inquiries which have been wiped out. Hit him up by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR +1 (409) 231-0041. DON’T FAIL TO LET HIM KNOW I REFERRED YOU.


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