Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Super Helpful Flowchart

I'm fixin' to make your day, y'all...

Thank you to my lovely sister in law, who knows what's funny and can somehow manage to find time to share it with me whilst raising a house full of children and a yard full of chickens.


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  1. mmmm bacon... now I want some!

    1. Bacon would be WAY easier to make in that hotel kitchen than a loaf of bread!

  2. Aw, thanks Dwija! I am glad I could help!

  3. Now adding "bacon" to my grocery list, next to "tikka masala sauce in a jar because I can't make my own and I'm desperately craving it".

    Bacon tikka masala, anyone?

    1. Hi Cari, here is my husband's recipe for chicken tikka masala. It can also be made in the crock pot instead of grilling the chicken just throw it in with all the sauce ingredients after marinading. We make a big batch of sauce then freeze it!

    2. You are my new hero, EllaM.

  4. I make a point to eat bacon at least 5 days a week. I call it the bacon diet. Then I cook everything that's not bacon in bacon grease. This morning, our three-year-old was chanting, "Yummy! Bacon! Party in my tummy!" It was a proud parenting moment.

  5. I think you need this, too.

  6. You ain't seen nuthin' yet! For every romantic occasion:

  7. I already have an order placed for bacon to be smuggled into the hospital after Boy #2 is born. Only 4 more weeks!

  8. I always think of the reference from The Simpsons with bacon. Homer says something to the effect of "ha! Like there's some magical animal" that gives us bacon & sausage.

  9. There is so much awesome there. Definitely a bacon eater. That is the best thing about eating (mostly) grain-free and sorta-paleo - bacon is on the menu!

  10. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I worked in a cafeteria as a cook. Every morning, I had to cook enough bacon for several hundred people. For some reason, I was sick morning, noon, and night. Literally throwing up 5-10x a day for 44 weeks. To this day (10 years later) the smell of bacon makes me sick. Which is too bad, because it tastes awesome on a burger when I can't smell it. Sigh... Maybe someday I'll be able to eat bacon again...

  11. Replace bacon with anything dessert-y and that'd be my flowchart :)

  12. I eat bacon almost every day. It makes me happy. Without my morning bacon and coffee, I'm not sure I could go on.

    Also, it's low in calories. So that's nice.

  13. Ah bacon. There is a farm on my way home from teaching that sells all sorts of bacon: slab bacon, bacon ends etc. It is a weekly adventure for us all when I return home with it.

  14. (Easter was pork loin wrapped in bacon, with a maple syrup marinade. OINK OINK)

  15. My son liked bacon so much when he was younger that he asked for bacon as a Christmas gift one year. He got it. True story. Honest.

    1. My older daughter always gets frosting in her stocking. At least she's cheap to shop for!

  16. I went out last night and had half of a "Double BLT" at IHOP after reading this. And you know, getting woken up by the EMTs because my blood sugars had crashed and I was laying in a pool of my own fluids (mostly sweat).

    Totally off topic, but...I had gained a whopping 1.0 lbs in the last 4 weeks after finding out we were expecting, today, I am 4.2 lbs lighter than I was yesterday morning! I need more bacon I think! Carbs sure aren't cutting the weight gain goals!

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